
Latest Issue

  • Graduates & Coaches0

    As June hits the halfway point, with the official beginning of summer just a few days away, for those graduating students who’ve recently seen their high school days completed and their parents, it has been an emotional two weeks. Preparing for, and looking forward to, the end of that senior year is one thing; soaking

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Trip from Hell into a Slice of Heaven…!0

    DAY TWO: “The Good, the Bad and the REALLY, REALLY Ugly” It was mid-afternoon on the second day when Travis, our guide, and Walker and I saddled up and headed east on the trail to our evening hunting blinds. Travis in the lead, followed by the pack mule, then Walker, then me. We had only

  • Sometimes I Miss the Target0

    I remember as a young man when I first started fishing, my buddies and I would dig some worms and head to the nearest creek. Like a lot of other young fishermen, we didn’t give much thought to what we might catch just as long as we caught something. As time went on, I got

  • Springtime Alert – Do Not Disturb Young Wildlife0

    Whether in their backyards or high on a mountain, it’s almost certain Pennsylvanians will encounter young wildlife this time of year. While some young animals might appear to be abandoned, usually they are not. It’s likely their mothers are watching over them from somewhere nearby. So, when encountering young wildlife, be it deer, birds, raccoons

  • Taylor and Ali Win Track Gold, Set Records

    Taylor and Ali Win Track Gold, Set Records0

    North Central Pennsylvania has a strong tradition of success in high school track and field. Recently Tré Taylor, of Williamsport, and Idris Ali, of Loyalsock have continued that tradition by winning at district and state competitions. Though neither local athlete is a stranger to success, there were some surprises this season. Tré Taylor set a

  • Late Season Success

    Late Season Success0

    Another spring gobbler season has come to an end, and as always, some hunters have managed to fill their tags, and others, despite their efforts, were not successful. I’m sure in some instances there are hunters who, after their first few times out, haven’t seen or even heard a gobbler, and they gave up thinking

  • The Roving Sportsman… Walleyes on the Palouse0

    It all began as my friend, Walker, and I laid out plans for a spring bear hunt in the Clearwater Wilderness Area in the Idaho panhandle. We wanted to arrive in the state a few days early so we could wind down from the 35 plus hour drive from home. And we wondered what else

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Comeback Season: My Unlikely Story of Friendship with the Greatest Living Negro League Baseball Players” by Cam Perron with Nick Chiles, foreword by Hank Aaron

    The Bookworm Sez: “Comeback Season: My Unlikely Story of Friendship with the Greatest Living Negro League Baseball Players” by Cam Perron with Nick Chiles, foreword by Hank Aaron0

    Your teeth got a good workout. Yep, as a kid, you wanted those certain hard-to-find, favorite-player baseball cards but you didn’t want to be wasteful. Because you’d do anything to get the cards, you spent your change, hoped you’d be lucky, and you chewed a lot of gum. In the new book “Comeback Season” by

  • The First Tee

    The First Tee0

    I was recently asked to tee it up in a few tournaments. I used to love golf, but now it’s totally different. I haven’t picked up a club in 2021. I’m not kidding. I don’t miss it — and I seriously can’t remember the last time I played my own ball. It has been a

  • Cutters Job Fair WEDNESDAY0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters are looking for energetic, motivated individuals to fill part-time seasonal positions in the Food & Beverage Dept. at Historic Bowman Field for the 2021 season. Interested individuals must apply in-person at the Cutters Job Fair to be held Wednesday, June 9 from 4-6 p.m. at Muncy Bank Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field,

  • Gatherings with Gott0

    (The following is part two of the interview with Williamsport Crosscutters pitching coach Jim Gott featured in last week’s June 2 column. Gott enjoyed a 14-year major league career and served as the Philadelphia Phillies bullpen coach from 2018-2020. Gott shares his views on Tommy John surgery, pitch counts and his fling with Hollywood). WW

  • Local Company Makes Trailer for US Women’s Open0

    When a customer in California needed a custom-built trailer for the US Women’s Open Golf Championship, they contacted Transport Custom Designs of Montoursville. “Although golf has played a very important role in my life for many years, never did I ever dream I’d actually have an opportunity to provide the golfing world with a very