
Latest Issue

  • Mountie Quest – Motivating Students to Achieve Their Dreams0

    Coaching youth and high school athletic teams over the years has taught me many lessons, but perhaps the most important is to never doubt the aspirations of the players under your tutelage. Years ago, while coaching a ninth-grade basketball team, I asked the squad members to write down their goals of what they would like

  • Enjoy the Outdoors Even After the Hunting Seasons End0

    Like a lot of folks, my love of the outdoors began when I was a young man just getting into hunting and fishing. Needless to say, over the years, I became very involved in outdoor activities and little did I know that I would one day look back and realize that I basically made my

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Plan for Winter Feeding0

    Last winter certainly was a “doozy!” While we previously had a string of relatively mild winters, we can easily recall getting slammed last season with up to 30 plus inches of snow that crippled travel and many outdoor activities for days. Some predictions indicate that we may be in for another harder than usual winter.

  • Creating Corlew’s Castle0

    Undoubtedly, the 1999 movie “The Long Road Home” was not on the minds of the Corlew family as the Rick Quigley-led motorcade made its half-hour trek from Williamsport’s downtown Genetti Hotel to the peaceful surroundings of their Rauchtown home. Still, for the 2021 winners of the Chrisman’s Morning Show’s annual Extreme Kitchen Makeover promotion, there

  • What’s Happening With Our Turkey Hunting?0

    I climbed out of my stand last week near quitting time and headed for my vehicle about a 20-minute walk away. I spotted a couple of does at about 40 or 50 yards but definitely out of my compound bow range. I continued a slow quiet walk when I heard that familiar cluck from a

  • Happy Thanksgiving0

    Where to begin? I am officially back on the sidelines — coaching hoops here at St. John Neumann Regional Academy. I continue to enjoy hanging out with the boys. Sure, the wins are nice, but I only do this to stay involved. The entire landscape has changed, folks. It is a rather tough and thankless

  • Counting Blessings0

    Thanksgiving Day — an annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Ah, the past year; it has indeed seen a multitude of turkey droppings and cancel culture edicts throwing wrenches into not only Thanksgiving, but to many of the other holidays and celebrations

  • Nolan Kutney Signs Letter of Intent

    Nolan Kutney Signs Letter of Intent0

    Nolan Kutney signed his National Letter of Intent to play baseball at the University of Pittsburgh.  Seated next to Nolan is his sister Nyla Kutney and parents Mike and Corina Kutney. Standing in the back from left is Montoursville Athletic Director Melissa Balliet, Montoursville Baseball coaches Corey Twigg, Jeremy Eck, Mike Mussina, and Montoursville Principal

  • The Roving Sportsman… Gifting an Outdoor Enthusiast0

    Awakening on Monday morning to an inch of white covering the entire landscape was a (“somewhat”) gentle reminder that Thanksgiving and Christmas are rapidly approaching. It’s the season for gathering with friends and family, stuffing ourselves at the dinner table, taking time to be thankful for our friends and family and all of the good

  • Olivia Dorner Takes Back-to-Back Tennis State Championships0

    It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. The picture that was being snapped by a multitude of cameras held by family and friends as South Williamsport tennis star Olivia Dorner officially signed her letter of intent to attend the University of Denver was one of those moments. For the soft-spoken

  • Placekicking Plankenhorn

    Placekicking Plankenhorn0

    Football old-timers may remember the story. During the 1970s Garo Yepremian, of Armenia descent, was a kicker for the Detroit Lions. He had never seen a professional football game before he suited up with the Lions. In his first game, he kicked a last-second game-winning extra point. As he ran off the field with his

  • A Beautiful Thing0

    It was a splendid afternoon for November. The sun was shining, and I was in Muncy, PA, for a PIAA District IV Class A semifinal. The talented Indians were hosting the Montgomery Red Raiders. I was excited. There is so much to love about this small-town rivalry. Muncy is loaded, and they already smacked their