
Latest Issue

  • Everybody’s Favorite Summer Sighting0

    It’s late summer, and of course, all kind of wildlife shows up crossing the road in front of us, standing out in the field, or maybe even in our front yard. Most people are OK with seeing the local wildlife, but some exceptions exist. This is especially true if the critter wandering around in your

  • What do You Know About Football?0

    Disclaimer. These articles are submitted on Friday. Yes. My lovely editor has everything ready to print, and she is often patiently waiting. I used to leave her hanging, but I have been on a roll here lately —2 3 straight weeks and counting. Maybe I finally figured this out. Perhaps no more struggles with part-time

  • Football’$ Back0

    That old saying about the month of March coming in like a lion has nothing on September, especially if you are a football fan. The calendar’s ninth month entered on the heels of the Little League World Series and produced instant excitement and a few anxious moments for local fans of Penn State and the

  • The Elusive Muskie0

    When it comes to fishing here in Pennsylvania, you probably won’t find many fishermen who are strongly dedicated to pursuing muskies. There are probably some good reasons for that lack of pursuit; for one, they are not exactly abundant, at least not like trout and bass. They can also be difficult to catch; you can

  • The Roving Sportsman… So Long, Summer!0

    In just over a week, September 22, 2022, to be exact, Fall of 2022 will officially begin. Where the heck did the summer go anyway? For some unknown reason it simply seemed shorter than usual this year and, somehow, just slipped away. I suppose part of that is that when you keep busy, time has

  • Hawaiian & Challenger Triumphs0

    What began as a fun-filled parade traversing Fourth Street with Little League players both throwing and catching candy and rubber baseballs from their flatbed trailer chariots ended its 75th celebration thirteen days later as the newly crowned Honolulu, Hawaii champions completed their Lamade Stadium victory lap by tossing baseballs to the cheering fans on the

  • Unique Moments in Baseball History

    Unique Moments in Baseball History0

    Few sports cherish their histories as much as baseball. Avid fans of America’s pastime are seemingly born with some knowledge of the game’s extensive history, which is an undeniable testament to the popularity of baseball over the last century and a half. As Major League Baseball prepares for yet another exciting postseason, here are some

  • A Recap

    A Recap0

    First, I would like to congratulate my friends at Little League International. The 2022 Little League World Series was off the charts, and I wanted to say thanks for another great experience. Jensen and I made it over to the complex on a few occasions. We are proud to say that we are from Williamsport.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Fall Habitat Ideas0

    As the summer days shorten and fall is almost upon us, let’s take a look at what we can do over the next month or so to improve our habitat for the wildlife we hope to aid through the upcoming winter months. Even though the daytime temperatures are slowly dropping as fall approaches, we can

  • Dove Season About to Open0

    It doesn’t seem possible that I would be writing about hunting; after all, it seems like we are in the middle of a long, hot, dry summer and far from any kind of hunting scenario but believe it or not, dove season is about to get underway. Dove season opens September 1 and runs through

  • Elk Cam Back for Another Season0

    Can’t wait for the September peak of Pennsylvania’s elk rut? Get a jumpstart now with the Game Commission’s Elk Cam. The Game Commission again has installed a camera on State Game Lands 311 in Elk County, in a field that typically is a hub of elk activity as the bugling season heats up. Video and

  • A President Returns0

    The expanded 20-team field, record-setting rain delays, and on-field excitement of the 2022 Little League Baseball World Series is now in the record books, but as it always has done, the thousands of visitors that flocked to our community and the locals that took in the action all came away with newfound memories they will