
Latest Issue

  • The Bald Eagle: It’s Official Now0

    Over the years, if you had asked just about anybody in the country what our national symbol was, the response most likely would have been the bald eagle. The eagle, after all, has been used as our national symbol since 1782, appearing on the Great Seal and being featured on official documents, coins and bills,

  • The Roving Sportsman … Winter To-Dos0

    The final deer season throughout the state is about to wrap up. While various predator-hunting is still available, most hunters consider the hunting season “a wrap” until the state spring gobbler season sneaks up on us on May 3, 2025. “Snowbirds” will begin migrating south to bask in the warm southern sunshine, but most of

  • Playoffs & Resolutions0

    Famed film director and producer Andy Warhol once was quoted as saying, “The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting.” Although Warhol’s words are still with us, they cannot be applied to last week’s much-hyped first round of the NCAA college football playoffs, which, after months of ballyhooed buildup, lacked both the excitement

  • The Roving Sportsman … Knowledge through Reading Tracks0

    If you are willing to devote the time, you can gain a great deal of knowledge by learning to read what animal tracks can reveal. Whether your goal is to become a better hunter, to develop a better understanding of Mother Nature’s wonders, or to discover just what animals frequent the woods where you hike

  • Ice Fishing?0

    Why the question mark after the words “ice fishing” in the story title? Well, because it’s been a very questionable activity the past few years. Over the past few years, we ice fishing enthusiasts have had very little time on the hard water since the ice was hard to come by in the first place

  • 20250

    Happy New Year, kids. Special thanks to those who are fans of this page. I am truly humbled by all of your feedback and praise. I want to give some love to a few — props to the boss man Jim and my lovely editor Steph for allowing me to partake. I am a part-time

  • Merry Christmas!0

    As many of you will receive this publication the day before Christmas, it is appropriate to reflect upon the famous Clement C. Moore poem, A Visit from St. Nicholas. Telling about the visit from the jolly one, Moore’s poem concludes with the one-line message, “Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!” Christmas

  • Movie Time0

    My good friend Nick Tagliaferri and I WERE somewhat celebrities. We took advantage of our impressive coaching resumes. SPENCE TAG RADIO was well before its time. A weekly part-time gig had many listeners. No advertisers. I truly believe that we were the first local PODCAST. But our success only lasted for one season. We broke

  • The Roving Sportsman… It’s Not Over Yet!0

    Pennsylvania’s fall turkey season is over, the bear season has ended, and the regular firearm season for deer ended on December 14. For many of the Keystone State’s hunters, the end of the rifle deer season signals that it is time to clean their rifles and shotguns and that the hunting season has ended. But

  • What’s a Good Buck?0

    With the exception of the upcoming Flintlock deer season, our deer hunting is over in most states. When we run into our hunting buddies, the photos come out, and the success stories follow. Most of the racks are what many of us would consider “average,” but now and again, a really nice rack comes up.

  • Connor Watkins0

    One of the joys of part-time scribing is getting to know so many great local kids involved with sports. We meet up in high school, and then we stay in touch. Sometimes, I will do a college or even a professional follow-up. Yes. It is grand. There is an impressive list. Both boys and girls

  • Looking Back with Steve Keener0

    As the strains of Auld Lang Syne ring out on New Year’s Eve, longtime Little League International President and CEO Steve Keener will enter retirement and turn over the mantel of leadership to Pat Wilson. Appreciably, he took the time to reflect upon his experiences with Webb Weekly. WW: How satisfying has your career been?