
Latest Issue

  • Masters0

    Many of the hackers from all over the globe just tuned in for the very first major of the year. I don’t know about you, but I find myself completely glued to the television the first weekend in April. Instead of fishing or drywalling — I usually lock myself in the basement with a loaf

  • A “Crappy” Day0

    After looking at the title of this article, you’re probably thinking I’m about to tell you all about a lousy day I had last week — not, so; I’m actually talking about a crappie day and, more specifically, the business of catching crappies. I know everybody is kind of hung up on catching trout right

  • The Roving Sportsman… 2023 PA Youth Spring Gobbler Hunt0

    Next week! Yep, in just over a week, the one-day Youth Hunt for spring gobblers will be held on Saturday, April 22nd. It is a day that many young hunters and their adult mentors have been looking forward to for months. It is held one week before the opening of the regular statewide spring gobbler

  • Women’s Hoops End Great Season with Side Show0

    The college basketball season has officially ended, but not in the manner many people thought it might. Last week’s national championship victories by the LSU women and the University of Connecticut men clearly showed they were the better teams in downing Iowa and San Diego State, respectively. Winning the titles as #3 and #5 seeds

  • A Chocolate Town Honor

    A Chocolate Town Honor0

    The game flashing across the TV screen was a bit of an afterthought as our conversation centered on the day’s activities. Suddenly, Jean pointed out, “That’s Dwight refereeing this game.” The game was the PIAA Girl’s 3A state championship game between Dunmore and River Valley from Hershey’s Giant Center. That Dwight was longtime friend and

  • Tight Lines Meeting0

    The 2023 trout season is officially underway. I hope that you had a chance to slay. The jury is still out for me, personally. All my gear is buried in the garage behind (30) 4×8 sheets of 1/2-inch drywall. I saw some great photos from the week before. Pennsylvania now allows kids to fish with

  • The Roving Sportsman… Whetting Your Appetite0

    Soon, Spring Gobbler season will be upon us, so as an enticement, let’s get you salivating over some rather tasty ways to make great meals with free-range, non-GMO, organic wild turkey meat that is devoid of any government-approved chemicals! Many who have tried wild turkey meat agree that it has a better flavor than pen-raised

  • Small, Medium, and Large0

    Whether you trout fish or not, I’m sure you have noticed good numbers of fishermen this past weekend gathered along the banks of many different streams. Pennsylvania is fortunate to have a pretty good number of streams available for trout fishing. They come in a variety of sizes, and that, in fact, is the topic

  • When the Music Stops0

    For several months leading up to the NCAA’s March 12 Selection Sunday announcement of which teams would receive invitations to the “Big Dance,” many of the potential invitees were as nervous as teenagers eagerly anticipating their inclusion in a big high school social. The saying “been there, done that” is commonplace in our vernacular, and

  • The Roving Sportsman… Spring Habitat Ideas0

    Whether you are fortunate enough to be a private landowner or perhaps are a member of a hunting club, the efforts you make in habitat improvement on your acreage will benefit the native wildlife for years to come. Let’s take a look at some of the things you should consider doing now that will yield

  • Trout Season: Where and What?0

    As we approach the opening of another trout season, the two questions I find a lot of people asking are “Where should I fish”? and “What should I use”? There are several factors to consider when it comes to the question of where to go. Certainly, the weather is a consideration; high wind and bitter

  • Spring Turkey Calling0

    April is an exhilarating month for the hunting and fishing crowd; we start the month with the opening of trout season, and at the end of the month, turkey hunting for gobblers is on the agenda. While I will enjoy the throbbing of a nice trout on my flyrod, you can bet I will also