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  • Pennsylvania Elk-Tourist Attraction and Hunting Ambition

    Pennsylvania Elk-Tourist Attraction and Hunting Ambition0

    Elk were native to Pennsylvania when the first European settlers arrived in our area, but the elk were no doubt a major and much-needed food source at that time. There were obviously no hunting regulations, and by the 1870s, Pennsylvania’s native elk were believed to be gone. The creation of the Game Commission, however, in

  • Area College Hoops Filled With Newness0

    The calendar has flipped; it’s now dark at 5:00 p.m., and the PIAA state playoffs for fall sports are nearing its conclusion. But for players, coaches, and spectators, the winter sports season gets underway as this Friday marks the first official practice day for local hoopsters and grapplers. While the first games of the high

  • Lycoming Hoops0

    Daylight savings is always an adjustment. And after two weeks, I am still struggling. It gets dark at 4:30. No more golf. Forget fishing. Can’t even mow grass. Depressing. Thankfully, the basketball season is now upon us. My favorite sport will help fill the void. I no longer coach, but I love to sit in

  • Deer Season, Oh How it’s Changed0

    A bunch of guys and I were talking over some coffee the other morning, and the subject of deer hunting came up. The more we talked, the more we delved into the past and how things have changed over the years. Do you remember “in the old days,” when you finally got your deer dragged

  • Bear Research Continues0

    In last week’s column, we looked at the success of several dedicated bear hunters from the Harrisburg area, but as we all know, their success rate hardly represents what most Pennsylvania bear hunters experience. I recently read some new research material that might help explain why only about 2 percent of bear hunters end up

  • The Roving Sportsman… In Praise of Canned Venison0

    The statewide archery deer season has been underway for weeks, and before you know it, the regular firearms deer season will begin. No doubt, both bowhunters and rifle hunters have their usual methods of hunting deer that have proven effective over the years, and hopefully, this year will be a productive one for you. Whether

  • Grandfather Talking0

    If you are a country music fan, most likely at one time or another, you have heard the song “I Wanna Talk About Me.” It was a 2001 Toby Keith hit that reached number one on the charts. Its lyrics detailed the relationship of a man dating a woman who constantly wanted to talk about

  • Logan and Me

    Logan and Me0

    Paul McGinn and I have been good friends for a very long time. We coached hoops together, and we called a few games with WEBBWEEKLYLIVE. Paul is a great dude, and he is always around. We don’t see much of each other nowadays as we focus more on our sons. Thankfully, our boys still look

  • Lycoming Fall Golf0

    Yes. I am back at Lycoming as the Head Golf Coach. This is my second stint with the Warriors after a five-year hiatus. I was with the team from 2001 to 2016. I got out of the business and stepped away because of a midlife crisis. I retired from hoops two years ago. It left

  • The Bank is Closed0

    The silence was deafening. More than 42,000 came early and loud to the South Philly Bank, credit and debit cards in hand, anxious to make a lifetime memory deposit of their beloved Phillies in what seemed sure to be a second consecutive trip to the World Series. But in the end, they were snake-bit. As

  • The Roving Sportsman… Venison Recipes0

    I was talking to a lady yesterday about the upcoming deer hunting season. While she had no distaste for the idea of hunting, she revealed her dislike of the taste of venison by asking, “Do you eat the meat?” She explained that more than 20 years ago when she last tried a venison meal, “It

  • Bowhunting Pennsylvania Black Bears

    Bowhunting Pennsylvania Black Bears0

    I made a trip to the Pennsylvania Game Commission headquarters a couple of weeks ago to deliver some artwork, and I decided to check out the bear check station located there as well. Pennsylvania’s statewide archery bear season runs from Oct. 17 to Nov. 4, and all successful bear hunters are required to bring their