
Latest Issue

  • Getting Their Money’s Worth?0

    Hopefully, football fans have recovered from any Super Bowl hangovers and the realization that their football fix will have to wait until March 28, when the United Football League will kick off its 2025 season, introducing Friday Night Football to the airwaves. However, despite Punxsutawney Phil’s unwelcome prediction of an extended winter, spring is in

  • Gearing Up0

    Many of our local hoops teams are gearing up for a post-season run. It is a great time of year. I have seen several games, and I want to wish my friends the best of luck. There are a few surprises, and some teams are playing well. Props South. I plan to take a detailed

  • Size Matters0

    The act of fishing is one thing, but the business of catching is a whole different story. I certainly don’t catch as many fish as I would like every time out, but I usually manage to put a bend in my rod often enough to keep me in the pursuit. There’s a vast amount of

  • The Roving Sportsman… Pennsylvania Preliminary 2025-26 Seasons Approval0

    In their recent meeting, the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners gave preliminary approval to the 2025-26 hunting and trapping seasons and bag limits. The preliminary seasons and bag limits are nearly identical to those in place for 2024-25. The one modification proposed for the 2025-26 season relates to snowshoe hares. Because the hare population is

  • No One Likes Us… Got to Love Us… 2025 Super Bowl Predictions…0

    Ladies and gentlemen…are you ready? Find your seat and buckle up. We’ve got a lot to cover. It’s time to delve into the Valley’s Super Bowl Predictions… Given how long last year’s article ended up being, let’s not waste time with introductions and get right into it! Starting with the Webb Weekly office: Jaimie consulted

  • Super Bowl Has Pennsylvania Rumblings0

    Predicting the weather has been a tough enough gig for Punxsutawney Phil, so I am glad to see that editor Steph did not include the furry one among those ‘experts’ taking their guesses in this week’s edition as to the winner of Sunday’s Super Bowl showdown in New Orleans. While big game LIX (59 for

  • Simulation


    The boys and I have been busy. We are fine-tuning our swings for the upcoming spring season. Lycoming College plays golf year-round, and my Warriors have the bug. They continue to call me. Times have changed. We no longer go outside to brave the elements. My guys stay indoors. They were their shorts. Technology helps.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Seeking Sheds0

    Nope, this is not about looking for wood sheds, tool sheds, outhouses, or any other type of outbuilding. This is the time of year when bucks begin to drop their antlers, and hunting for these sheds is a passion for whitetail hunters. There is some thought that temperature changes or fluctuations trigger the shedding of

  • Turkey Sightings

    Turkey Sightings0

    I know turkey season is over, but like many hunters, I’m always on the lookout for game — especially turkeys. Spotting flocks of turkeys now, may lead to some potential hunting sites — especially when spring gobbler season rolls around. I’ve been seeing turkeys here and there all fall and into the winter months, but

  • The Roving Sportsman… Helping the Monarchs0

    Since 1996, the population of monarch butterflies in the Eastern United States has declined by about 90%, and one of the biggest reasons is loss of habitat. Monarchs need early successional vegetation, with all the various flowering plants, such as goldenrod and milkweed, that often can be found in fallow fields, such as fields that

  • The Mecca0

    I found myself driving home from a game. The Millionaires were on the road. We made two trips to the greater Harrisburg area this week. No worries. I enjoy my time on Route 15. I listen to music and think. I felt bad for my behavior last night. I was in rare form. I am

  • Political Pervasiveness0

    It was a lesson learned long ago when my interest in journalism was in its infancy. A scribe well-versed in the occupation passed on his warning – ‘If you ever become a columnist, don’t include your personal opinions regarding politics or religion in what you write.’ That advice is spot-on, as those of you who