
Latest Issue

  • Cutters Carvings0

    Preparations Ongoing for MLB Little League Classic The 2019 MLB Little League Classic will take place on August 18 at BB&T Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field. This year’s event will feature the Pittsburgh Pirates hosting the Chicago Cubs. Preparations outside the ballpark are ongoing for the event. As in past year’s this will mean some

  • Randy Johnson Is Grand Marshall For 15th Grand Slam Parade, August 140

    An appearance by Hall of Fame pitching great, Randy Johnson highlights the Grand Slam Parade Slated for August 14. The Lycoming County Visitors Bureau is encouraging the community to come out as we welcome the 16 Little League World Series teams and their families here for the 73rd Little League World Series to Williamsport with

  • A “Non-Specific” Approach0

    Have you ever watched the evolution of a fisherman? We start off fishing for anything that will bite using anything we have at hand. As we move on, and our interest intensifies, however, we begin to become more precise. We become more specialized in our approach — gearing up for specific species at specified times

  • The Roving Sportsman… Summertime Reading0

    With summer well under way and with lots of outside activities to enjoy, little thought is generally given to reading. There are, however, those rainy days that keep us inside and there are times when whiling away the hours while sitting along a stream or a woodsy setting and reading a good book can be

  • Across the Pond0

    The Major League Baseball Home Run Hitting Contest was just about to begin as my son, Doug, and I boarded the plane at the Newark Airport. Although the trip had nothing to do with sports, it was a shared interest in sports that created the impetus for this extraordinary adventure. A few years ago, while

  • Cutters Carvings: Preparations Begin for MLB Little League Classic0

    The 2019 MLB Little League Classic will take place on August 18 at BB&T Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field. This year’s event will feature the Pittsburgh Pirates hosting the Chicago Cubs. Preparations outside the ballpark are now underway for the event. As in past year’s this will mean some minor inconveniences, mainly involving parking, for

  • The Girls of Summer

    The Girls of Summer0

    Congratulations to the South Williamsport Lady Mounties as they recently punched their tickets to the Little League Softball World Series. These ladies have captured the hearts of the entire region with their outstanding play. The gals were crowned the Eastern Regional champs and are now en route to Portland, OR to compete against the world’s

  • The Roving Sportsman… Hunters Should “Walk Tall…!”0

    Hunters are the “salt of the earth.” Yes, without a doubt, there are the few exceptions – you know – the ones who usually make the news like the occasional slob hunter or poacher. They are the ones who seem to be talked about most often, especially by those who hold some degree of opposition

  • Too Many to Count?

    Too Many to Count?0

    I recently read an article in an outdoor publication that said there are so many eagles nesting in Pennsylvania that it is becoming too difficult for the Pennsylvania Game Commission to come up with an accurate count. I’m sure that 30 years ago that is news we never would have expected to hear but the

  • From Broad Street to Cooperstown

    From Broad Street to Cooperstown0

    Congratulations to Mike Mussina on his induction into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. An absolutely amazing story of a small town All-American boy that navigated the baseball gauntlet all the way to Cooperstown. From Johnny Z’s and Montoursville Little League to a State Championship while playing for Manager Carter Giles and his hometown Warriors.

  • Teaching Bass Basics

    Teaching Bass Basics0

    Several weeks ago, I had the unique opportunity to teach a group of young people the art of bass fishing. The class of about 25 junior high and high school age kids were attending a week-long camp. Camp activities included a number of classes centered around bass biology, habitat and other related disciplines. My three-hour-long

  • Hole in One at White Deer Golf Course

    Hole in One at White Deer Golf Course0

    On July 11, 2019 Dan Crisman recorded a hole in one on the 150 yard 4th hole on the vintage course.  Dan knocked in a 6 iron for his 5th career ace!  Congratulations Dan!