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  • The Antlers are Coming0

    It’s that time of year again — that time when we deer hunters start studying deer more closely in search of new antler growth. It’s not just deer hunters, though, since even non-hunters seem to get excited when they spot a set of big deer antlers. I know me and a lot of others are

  • That’s Why it’s Called “Fishing”

    That’s Why it’s Called “Fishing”0

    How many times have you been around someone who said, “Yeah, we went fishing the other day, and we didn’t catch anything”? About that time, someone else will add, “Yeah, that’s why it’s called ‘fishing’ and not ‘catching.’” Well, it’s certainly true that there are times when the fishing may not be going well, but

  • May, a Great Month for the Outdoorsman0

    I must say that the month of May is a lot like Christmas for the hunting and fishing crowd; there’s a host of opportunities to hunt and fish for a variety of species. I’ve seen some photos of successful turkey hunters, but a couple were particularly interesting. One of those photos was of Jessica and

  • Getting Into Fly-Fishing0

    Over the past couple of years, I’ve had more and more people talk to me about getting into fly-fishing, and it certainly appears that it is growing in popularity. One of the concerns that I hear from those who want to start fly-fishing involves the difficulty in learning to properly cast a fly. There is

  • Some Thoughts on Spring Gobbler Hunting0

    Spring turkey hunting is upon us. The youth spring turkey hunt was on April 27th, and the statewide spring turkey hunt runs from May 4-31. Bear in mind, however, that the legal hunting hours change midway through the season. From May 4-18, hunting begins one-half hour before sunrise and ends at noon; hunters should be

  • Updates From Recent PA Game Commission Meeting0

    One of the topics discussed at the recent PA Game Commission meeting was the possible reintroduction of martens back into Pennsylvania. A marten is a weasel-like furbearer ranging in length from 19-27 inches and weighing 1-3 pounds. They have brownish-black hair down the back and tail with a yellowish-orange bib on the throat that can


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