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  • Flathead Fishing0

    It’s not unusual for the subject of fishing to come up when a bunch of us are sitting around sipping our morning coffee. A couple of weeks ago, Tim Herr informed the gang that he and recent Muncy Bank retiree Steve Naylor were planning a guided trip to the lower Susquehanna for some catfishing. Now,

  • Another Deer Season Approaching0

    While having coffee with some friends the other morning, someone mentioned that another deer season would soon be underway. Yeah, hard to believe, but another season will soon be underway, and as always, there is much talk and speculation as to what to expect. Certainly, serious hunters have been watching cameras, fields, and other areas

  • Pond Fishing

    Pond Fishing0

    It’s no secret that I love fishing — fishing of all kinds — with a variety of equipment, and in a variety of situations. Certainly, our local rivers, streams, and lakes are high on my priority list, but I also enjoy an afternoon on a pond from time to time. There are a number of

  • The Snapping Turtle: A Living Submarine0

    For some unknown reason, I have always been captivated by things that crawl, swim and slither. None of my siblings seem to have been smitten with my affection for such critters, and my interest has not waned over the years. It seems that my grandchildren, however, have inherited some of my curiosity with a number

  • Opossum: Our Only Marsupial.0

    Obviously, I enjoy wildlife; after all, I’ve spent most of my life photographing, painting, or writing about some form of wildlife. The other morning, while downing a cup of coffee with the gang, one of the guy’s wives mentioned she had a possum in the barn, and that led to a more involved discussion, which

  • Fishing the Plastic Worm0

    When I was a kid growing up in western Pennsylvania, when I wanted to go fishing, I did what all the other kids did — I dug some night crawlers and went fishing. It was in my high school days when all that began to change, and artificial plastic worms were introduced. I thought it


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