
Latest Issue

  • Mercy?0

    Among the proverbs often kicked around is one traced back to Thomas Fuller in 1732 pertaining to the arrival of March weather. Referring to the month as coming in like a lion and departing as a lamb, it depicts a cold, windy, snowy start, eventually giving way to glimpses of spring’s coming beauty and warmth.

  • March MADness

    March MADness0

    March is a beautiful month for many reasons. I am getting excited to fish. The golf season is here, and I will devote as much time to watching as much basketball as I possibly can. MADNESS baby. NBA. College. High School. It doesn’t matter. I even get stoked when I spot a few kids hooping

  • The Roving Sportsman… Off-Season Tasks0

    I think (or at least I hope!) that winter temperatures are finally beginning to move upward. If you are like me, you are probably itching to get outside instead of just sitting around waiting for next fall for the hunting seasons to begin! This time of year is great for addressing some key tasks that

  • Backyard Invaders0

    A couple of years ago, my wife and I started placing trail cameras at various locations around our home and in several locations in nearby wooded areas. What an eye-opener; I knew wild critters were roaming around out there, but I had no idea that so many of them would end up roaming through my

  • Send in the Clowns0

    It wasn’t how I had planned to spend my Valentine’s weekend Saturday. After a low-key celebration of the festivities a day earlier, a few scheduled errands and household chores fell victim to a bevy of competitive college basketball games filling the TV screen. From noon to well into the evening, those chores that were completed

  • My Man Parker0

    Williamsport’s Parker Johnson and I go back many moons. He has grown into an extraordinary young lad. Johnson is wicked smart, and he is very determined. His hard work is paying off on the gridiron. I grew up with his father, Brett, on Lincoln Avenue. His grandparents, Greg and Debbie, are outstanding people. They have

  • Some Hunting Still Available0

    For the serious hunter, there are still some opportunities to get that rifle or shotgun back out into the countryside for several different small game species. This recent winter weather, however, will certainly make hunting a challenge. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you, readers, that ice has taken over much of our outdoor

  • Big Bucks Down0

    Spring training has begun, and the month of March is in sight. This can mean only one thing: it’s time for that column that so many of our hunters and outdoorsmen have been waiting to see. We have the results for our 17th Annual Webb Weekly Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest. Before I get to

  • The Snowy Owl0

    That’s right, I’ve been a “hunter” all my life. Yes, I’ve been involved in hunting ever since I was a kid in junior high school, but to be honest, my only interests are not just in bagging a deer or turkey every year, but I also enjoy seeing and encountering all kinds of wildlife. You

  • The Roving Sportsman… Prime Time to Hunt Vulnerable Coyotes0

    Throughout Pennsylvania and neighboring states, we are at the peak of the coyote breeding season. That means that we are in a prime time of the year to hunt one of our state’s most prolific predators. Both males and females are out and about during daylight hours more than usual, working up an appetite not

  • Atmosphere0

    Major props to the Jersey Shore Bulldogs and the Loyalsock Lancers. The girls’ afternoon showdown was outstanding. It was a great idea that required lots of planning. Kudos to the administrations. Both teams played at 1:30 p.m. on Monday. The stands were packed with Jersey Shore students. The game was sort of like a school

  • Tetreault Steps Down

    Tetreault Steps Down0

    The perusal of recent help-wanted ads in local media outlets underlines what can be a difficult challenge for area school districts seeking individuals to coach their various athletic teams. While there are many voices coaching from the stands, hiring the right person to lead teams of teenage athletes on the field can be a painstaking