
Latest Issue

  • Fourth Annual K’s For Cancer Leprechaun 5k Run0

    During each year a variety of ways are taken to raise funds for cancer research. One of the most unique, and one that is growing in popularity, is the annual 5k Leprechaun Run that will be taking place on Saturday, March 17. The run starts at the Community Arts Center, traveling through the city streets

  • First Community Foundation Partnership “Raise the Region” Set For March 140

    One of the most important and unique fundraisers that takes place in the area each year will be taking place on March 14 when the First Community Foundation Partnership holds its “Raise the Region” fundraiser. The First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania (FCFP) is excited to announce 314 nonprofits have registered to participate in Raise

  • Thru The Years: Williamsport Sun March 4, 1937 Recommend Change in Street Name0

    Williamsport Sun March 4, 1937 Recommend Change in Street Name Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr. A proposal to rename Campbell Street in honor of Peter Herdic, who was instrumental in accomplishing the incorporating of Williamsport as a city 70 years ago, was recommended to City Council today. It was submitted by the City Planning Commission

  • From Good to Better to Best0

    The county commissioners normally meet twice weekly — a work session on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. and the regular session at the same time on Thursday. The work session is designed to discuss and review agenda items that would be voted on in the regular session. Because of this, it is more informal in

  • PPL and the People of Puerto Rico

    PPL and the People of Puerto Rico0

    By Tracie Witter, PPL Regional Affairs Director Everything I thought about the quality of the workforce at PPL Electric Utilities was reinforced when I was in Puerto Rico a few weeks ago. Our team is committed, talented, and caring. Thirty-seven linemen and support workers left their families and spent 30 straight days working long hours

  • Through The Years: February 27, 1950: Jackson School Destroyed by Morning Fire0

    Williamsport Sun February 27, 1950 Jackson School Destroyed by Morning Fire Damages $100,000 From Flames Which Ate Out Interior of Building   Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr.   A $100,000 fire of undetermined origin destroyed the 57-year old Andrew Jackson Elementary School at 2216 Linn Street early today as firemen from eight companies battled the

  • County Hall Corner: Planning the Future0

    One of the oldest clichés is that failure to plan is planning to fail. It also just happens to be true. Think of it like checking the weather. If I am out walking and suddenly it rains, I get wet. However, if I checked the weather reports before I left my home, and knew there

  • The Pajama Factory Placed On National Registry of Historic Places0

    To many people, the former Weldon’s Pajama Factory building is just an old factory building. Now known as the “Pajama Factory”, it now has a wide variety of artsy type businesses now located within it, but recently it has now something even more special. It has been placed on the National Registry of Historic Places.

  • River Valley Transit Introduces Clinton County Bus Service0

    Daily fixed-route bus service between Williamsport and Lock Haven began on Tuesday, February 20th at 5:45 a.m. and will operate six days a week. All rides on the new Clinton County bus routes will be free for the remainder of February during the introduction of the new bus service. “After years of planning at the

  • The Road to 900

    The Road to 9000

    A few days after Loyalsock’s basketball team achieved win number 900 for veteran coach Ron Insinger, the coaching legend was kind enough to sit down and share his thoughts on what it all means to him. “Believe it or not I can vividly remember each one from 100 on through. Reaching a lofty goal is

  • This Week’s LION: Ann Kaufman

    This Week’s LION: Ann Kaufman0

    One of the great mysteries in leadership theory is that no one has come up with a way to predict leadership. Everyone can recognize a leader after they have achieved something worthwhile, but who has the crystal ball to pick that person while they are still a nobody? Maybe someone should interview Congressman Tom Marino

  • County Hall Corner: Connecting to the Future0

    San Antonio, Texas, and Williamsport, PA are generally not thought to have anything in common, but there are some general similarities. San Antonio is well known for the Alamo, just as Williamsport is widely renowned for Little League. They also are cities that border rivers, which historically have been both a blessing and a burden.