
Latest Issue

  • Fresh From the Farm0

    In a world where you can have anything delivered direct to your door, it’s easy to forget that local businesses depend on their local communities to stay afloat. I honestly believe that supporting those in your community is more critical now than ever. And one of the easiest ways to do that is by visiting

  • LIVING Our Dreams

    LIVING Our Dreams0

    We all had dreams growing up as kids. I wanted to be a professional basketball player at an early age. I often thought about balling at a major D1. Then, ultimately, finding a home in the NBA. I can’t tell you the number of times I was alone in the driveway with those intentions in

  • Grit June 27, 1971: Canal Street Renewal Plan Characterized as “Catalyst”0

    With all the ingredients needed for development, the Canal Street Redevelopment Project could be the “catalyst” to draw customers from a wide area to downtown Williamsport. Harold R. Eck, of Sardec Inc., developer, told members of the retail division of the Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce, at a meeting last week. The influx of new trade

  • This Week’s LION: USMC Staff Sergeant Kyle Roach

    This Week’s LION: USMC Staff Sergeant Kyle Roach0

    1.4 million people are serving in the United States military today, which might seem like a big number, but it is actually only 0.4 percent of the total population. The tough job of finding those willing to serve their country falls on the local recruiter. SSgt Kyle Roach is the Marine Corps recruiter for the

  • County Hall Corner: A Long Journey in the Right Direction0

    It was in mid-September of 2014 that Lycoming County Judge Nancy Butts held an open meeting for interested citizens at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport to talk about the drug problem Judge Butts had set up the Lycoming County Drug Court in 1998, but after a decade and a half of only seeing more

  • Troop 12 to Hold 100th Anniversary Picnic0

    Troop 12, BSA, of St. Luke Lutheran Evangelical Church in Williamsport, will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of its founding at a special reunion and picnic on July 14th at the Eagles Mere Auto and Air Museum located at Merritt Airport between Eagles Mere and Laporte on PA 42. Everyone ever associated with the troop

  • County Hall Corner: School Vigilance, Part 30

    This article will conclude our three-part series on addressing the current crisis in school shootings and how Lycoming County is doing everything possible to prevent it from happening here. The first two installments featured the Juvenile Probation Department with Brian Pick and an example of school support with the East Lycoming Area High School and

  • Camp Cadet Marches On

    Camp Cadet Marches On0

    • June 20, 2018

    Law enforcement in this country has been taking it on the chin lately as the result of some high visibility, controversial incidents that have been taking place in various parts of the country. In Lycoming County, law enforcement owns a good reputation and the respect of the citizens, this may be the result in part,

  • Gazette and Bulletin: June 18, 1941 – Eight Arrests in Parking Campaign0

    That city police are cooperating in efforts to eliminate double parking in the business district street is shown in the reports that at least eight motorists have been fined recently for parking in the regular parking lanes. Others have been tagged during the campaign, but the records do not disclose how many because of no

  • County Hall Corner: School Vigilance, Part 20

    The recent rise in school shootings has had a fall out in many dimensions. Homeschooling has taken a sharp rise. Even churches are initiating or upgrading their security measures. In Lycoming County, there is a strong network that is manning the front lines against such troubles in our schools. Last week we featured Brian Pick,

  • Gazette and Bulletin: June 7, 1935: Grays Celebrate Pennant Raising With 4-3 Win Over Brooks0

    After watching the 1934 Nypen League pennant hoisted to the Bowman Field flagpole in a ceremony that marked the formal and official recognition of Williamsport as champion of the Class A circuit, the Grays went out and conquered the Reading Brooks, 4-3, in the opening game of the series. With a “booster” throng of 1,643

  • 35th Williamsport/Lycoming Flag Day March Thursday, June 140

    It will be a great day for “Old Glory” when the annual Flag Day March is held. It is a little extra special this year — since this will be the 35th time this venerable event will step off. In these sometimes contentious and tumultuous times, this event is a reminder of what is good