
Latest Issue

  • River Valley Transit Celebrates 50 Years of Public Transportation in Williamsport0

    River Valley Transit is celebrating 50 years of public transportation in the City of Williamsport and surrounding communities on August 8th and 9th, 2019. “On August 8, 1969, the City of Williamsport officially began operation of the buses under the newly created Williamsport Bureau of Transportation (WBT), having purchased the privately-operated Williamsport Bus Company with

  • County Hall Corner: Lights, Camera, Action0

    Reader’s Alert: This article is meant as sarcasm. So read, relax, and enjoy the fun! At a recent County Commissioner’s Meeting, there was quite a debate over televising the proceedings. Now, the problem with the idea is that even though they are televised in other area municipalities, it has revealed the dirty little secret that

  • Gazette and Bulletin: July 22, 1929 – Dedication of Airport is Success From Every Angle0

    Williamsport’s fine new airport was dedicated Saturday afternoon by Edward P. Warner, editor of “Aviation” air magazine, with a total of 79 planes registered in taking part. Yesterday’s activities were made up mostly of planes moving and passenger flights by commercial planes present. Five transatlantic flyers, a record seldom achieved by any airport, were present

  • A Positive Kidney for Jeff0

    At the end of 2018, there were roughly 113,000 men, women, and children on the national transplant waiting list. 83% of those are waiting on a kidney. Jeff Burget is one of those. Jeff’s kidney issues began when he was seven from a problem related to strep throat. But in 2012, while in the hospital

  • Remembering Our Heroes (ROH) ’57 Truck Tour0

    Our 1957 Chevy Task Force 3200 began as a father and son project in 2012. I’d had a ’57 Chevy Belair coupe 40 years ago and really liked the design and look. We decided on a truck and found this one on eBay sitting in a field on a North Carolina goat farm. We drove

  • The Moon, the Mets and Woodstock: The Incredible Summer of 19690

    In the fall of 1969, shortly after the Miracle Mets won the World Series over the highly favored Baltimore Orioles, there was an editorial cartoon in one of the New York papers that proclaimed “The Moon and Mets In the Same Year — Incredible! ,” that sums up pretty well that summer 50 years ago

  • Lycoming Motors – The Beginning0

    In my prior article on Lycoming Motors, I gave a history of their contributions to the automobile industry. This article delves back to very beginnings of Lycoming Motors in 1845. Yes, this manufacturing entity, though evolving over many years has its origins before the Civil War. In 1845 a Miss Demorest founded what was to

  • County Hall Corner: Moving Day Ahead?0

    Lycoming County government has a big problem. Quite simply, it owns more property than it needs. Here is the inventory — the primary facility where the county commissioners and the bulk of county offices are located is the Executive Plaza building, which sits behind another county property, the Lycoming County Courthouse. The County Prison is,

  • Grit: July 20, 1969 – Williamsport Eyes Trained on Apollo 110

    As the lunar landing of Apollo 11 transcends another of man’s dreams, most of the area’s denizens of the workaday world will see it pass while on the job. City, state and federal employees will be off in respect to President Nixon’s request for a national day of participation, but most workers in non-governmental jobs

  • “One Small Step” Remembered 50 Years Later0

    This week marks the 50th anniversary of one the momentous events in the history of mankind — Apollo 11 landing two men on the moon and returning them back to earth safely. Webb Weekly wishes to recall this history-making event by bringing the recollections of several area residents and what were their impressions of it.

  • Uptown Music Collective Summer Festival

    Uptown Music Collective Summer Festival0

    The Uptown Music Collective is set to present its annual free Summer Music Festival on Sunday, July 21st at Williamsport’s Brandon Park Band Shell. The day’s festivities will begin at 1 pm with free music performances all day, as well as food vendors, raffles, and more. The event will culminate with an exclusive, one-time-only performance

  • Library to Offer Free Basic Computer Workshops2

    The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., will host weekly workshops in August for adults interested in learning more about computers and email. The basic computer classes will take place on Wednesdays in August from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in the Lowry Room and are limited to 5 people per class. Topics are: Week 1