
Latest Issue

  • Lycoming College for Kids to Be Held on Lyco Campus July 16 to 200

    Once again one of the most unique learning opportunities for students grades 2 to 12 will take place on the campus of Lycoming College when the annual College for Kids youth summer program is held there the week of July 16 to 20. The courses consist of hands-on activities in a variety of subjects including

  • Five Fun Ways to Get Fit0

    Exercise benefits both the mind and body. Study after study indicates how physical activity can reduce the propensity for illness, boost mood, lower stress levels, and much more. Still, certain people find it difficult to muster the motivation to get up and move. In 2013, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed

  • Memorial Day0

    Memorial Day is often considered the unofficial kick off to summer. But please remember the true purpose of this holiday weekend. Memorial Day is meant to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our Country. Three years after the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an

  • Remembering Honor Registration is Open0

    This summer, the YWCA Northcentral PA is hosting a two-week social justice program called ‘Remembering Honor’ for 25 students between sixth and ninth grade. From June 11-14 and 18-21, students will meet from noon to 3 p.m. at the YWCA, 815 W. Fourth St. to expand their knowledge on diversity and how current social issues

  • How Parents Can Help Children Make Friends0

    Social connections are important for children’s growth and development. Some children have a hard time fitting in and making friends, and these kids may just need a little extra help fostering friendships. According to the resource Parenting Science, decades of research indicates that parents play a key role in teaching children how to make friends.

  • Kid’s Corner: Paper Plate Bird Nest Craft

    Kid’s Corner: Paper Plate Bird Nest Craft0

    Paper Plate Bird Nest Craft This is an adorable and really fun craft for kids to make.  This craft gives kids the opportunity to express their creative side by decorating the birds nest and making cute little birds to go inside. Materials: • glue • scissors • paper plate • brown paint • stapler •

  • Detecting & Treating Hearing Loss in Children0

    May marks Better Hearing Month, which is dedicated to raising awareness regarding hearing loss and treatment as well as proactively protecting your hearing. Hearing loss is sometimes more difficult to diagnose in children. Parents are in the best position to detect hearing loss in their children, but it is not always noticeable right away. How

  • Summer Heat Facts and Safety

    Summer Heat Facts and Safety0

    For many people, summertime is synonymous with trips to the beach, water sports and recreation. Even though summer warmth is a welcome break from winter weather for many people, State Farm warns that heat is one of the leading causes of weather-related fatalities, resulting in hundreds of deaths each year in the United States alone.

  • Stop Sand from Spoiling Summer Fun

    Stop Sand from Spoiling Summer Fun0

    Few things are as synonymous with summer recreation as a day at the beach enjoying the sun, sand and surf. Whiling away the hours at the coast is an ideal way to get fresh air and enjoy family or solitary time and also can be an entertaining way to exercise and learn about marine life.

  • A Memorial Day Follow Up0

    Webb Weekly does not often follow up on stories we have previously run, but we believe because the original story exemplifies the spirit of recognition and appreciation of those in uniform who gave their lives to keep this country free, we thought it wholly appropriate to do a follow-up. In our April 25 issue, we

  • Engaging Landlords to Help Homeless Individuals0

    Local landlords can help end homelessness in Lycoming County by participating in the YWCA Northcentral PA’s new Housing Location Services. Informational sessions for interested landlords are on set for Monday, May 21 with sessions at 2-4 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. at the YWCA, 815 W. Fourth St. To register for one of the sessions, visit

  • Graduation0

    Similar to those famous countdowns at Cape Canaveral, in numerous households across the region that ‘countdown’ is proceeding full speed until upcoming high school graduation days blast products of eighteen years of nurtured love into the ‘unknown’ stratosphere of ‘the real world.’ Those coming out parties will be launched with varying degrees of mixed emotions.