
Latest Issue

  • UPMC Breast Surgeon: The Importance of Knowing Family Health History0

    Each fall, as Breast Cancer Awareness Month approaches, we often hear the reminder to “schedule your annual mammogram.” While regular mammograms are crucial for early detection, there are other important factors that contribute to understanding your risk of breast cancer. One of the most significant is knowing your family’s health history. This information not only

  • UPMC Expert: What You Need To Know About Seizures0

    Seizures, or sudden, individual uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain, may show a wide range of symptoms including mild confusion to full bodily convulsions. People may associate seizures with epilepsy, a neurologic disorder characterized by repeated seizure activity. However, people can experience seizures for other reasons. While they may be alarming, it’s important to know

  • UPMC Cardiologist: Staying Active in Colder Weather0

    Don’t be fooled by cool weather — while it seems like the time of the year to slow down and get cozy, it’s important to keep your activity level up like it’s summer all year long. Physical activity is crucial for heart health. It lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart disease, naturally improves

  • UPMC Expert: Supporting a Loved One With Cancer0

    If someone you care about has cancer or another potentially life-threatening diagnosis, you may struggle with what to do. Amid feelings of sadness, disappointment, and even anger, there’s also a desire to say and do the right things to bring comfort and hope to your loved one. As the support person, what your loved one

  • UPMC Surgeon: Is Breast Surgery Right for You?0

    Thousands of women each year report looking and feeling better and having more confidence as a result of breast surgery. Whether you want a cosmetic change to improve feelings about your appearance, you want the size of your breasts reduced to address back pain and other medical concerns, or you want breast reconstruction to address

  • UPMC Physician: Stay in the Game by Preventing Throwing Injuries0

    One of the most unique and explosive motions in sports is the overhead throwing motion. Throwing a baseball, softball, or football overhead places extremely high stresses on the shoulder and elbow. In order to put velocity into a thrown ball, power is generated from the ground with the lower body, transferred through the core into

  • UPMC Expert: Partner Support Essential for Breastfeeding0

    The pride, joy, and delight felt in welcoming a newborn into the family is likely mixed with fear and nervousness. After all, your new roles as parents will last for decades to come. Breastfeeding is often thought of as a gift between birth parent and baby. Not only does it provide bonding time, but the

  • UPMC Surgeon: Getting Back in the Game After an ACL Injury0

    If you follow or play sports, you’ve likely seen a player on your favorite team injure their ACL, had one of your own teammates injure their ACL, or maybe you’ve even torn your own. As an athlete or sports fan, we know that an ACL injury usually means surgery, an extensive rehabilitation and a significant

  • UPMC Expert: Is Caffeine During Pregnancy or While Breastfeeding Safe?0

    Caffeine is a go-to for many people to get a natural boost of energy and is present in many foods and beverages that are part of the American diet. Whether you prefer coffee, tea, chocolate, colas, or energy drinks, chances are you rely on caffeine to energize you in the morning or keep you going

  • Myth vs Fact: Alcohol’s Effects on the Heart0

    While drinking can be a socially acceptable part of our lives, the warm weather and activities of summer may have you reaching for a glass of wine or mixed beverage more frequently than before. In moderation, there’s nothing wrong with unwinding with a glass of wine and friends, a cocktail by the campfire, or a

  • UPMC Expert: Understanding Cardiac MRI0

    We know that when you get a CT scan or experience other kinds of medical imaging, the staff taking the images needs to protect themselves by leaving the room. Think about when you need an x-ray at your dental office — they put that heavy layer of protection on you just for a picture of

  • UPMC Expert: What the Heck is Tech Neck0

    Smartphones, tablets, and computers, oh my! Our world today surrounds the use of these gadgets. While our technology is advanced, our bodies have not evolved to accommodate the use of these devices, leaving us with aches and pains. These modern-day ailments are known as “tech neck” and are caused by holding your head forward or