
Latest Issue

  • STEP Services Available Amid Pandemic Shutdowns0

    STEP’s facilities are currently closed to customer walk-ins, but most of the agency’s services – considered essential – continue to offer assistance to individuals and families, many of whom are navigating social assistance for the first time due to COVID-19. “STEP is committed to protecting the health and wellness of our customers and staff, while

  • COVID-19 Harkens Back to Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-190

    With the Coronavirus-19, this nation and the world are currently in the throes of the most serious health emergency since the great Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918. It might be interesting to look back at that earlier pandemic. According to a Stanford University website, the flu epidemic of 1918 may have had its origins in

  • What is a Widowmaker Heart Attack?0

    A heart attack happens when blood flow to your heart muscle is blocked for long enough to damage the muscle. If blood flow isn’t restored quickly, the heart muscle begins to die from a lack of oxygen, and non-functioning scar tissue forms in its place. If enough muscle function is lost, “heart failure” can occur.

  • Colonoscopy: The Golden Standard for Cancer Screening0

    More than 140,000 new cases of colon cancer are diagnosed each year, making it the third most common cancer and the second-leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. However, when caught early it is highly treatable. If you knew there was a screening test that could dramatically decrease your risk, would you take it?

  • Choosing the Right Care as You Age0

    Everyone has a different plan in mind for how they wish to live their life as they age. It’s important to consider your general health, mobility, mental capabilities, and specific activities you may need help with as you grow older, as well as your family’s support. It also is important to consider your interests, social

  • Caring for Two0

    When you are pregnant, you probably notice the fatigue, shortness of breath, and light-headedness that can sometimes overcome you. Did you know that these symptoms are caused by changes in your heart and blood vessels? To ensure your baby gets enough oxygen and nutrients, your heart and vessels undergo some changes that may require your

  • Emergency Department, Urgent Care Clinic, or Your Doctor’s Office?0

    Urgent care. Emergency department. Extended hours. Walk-in appointments. With more ways than ever to access medical care, we have created greater consumer choice – and greater confusion. How do you know which choice is right for you and your family? Clear up the confusion with this helpful comparison: Emergency Care If it’s a health emergency,

  • Can the Weather Cause Aches and Pains?0

    You may have heard someone say they can tell when a storm is coming because they felt achy in their joints. For many who suffer from arthritis or other inflammatory conditions, cold weather can wreak havoc on already vulnerable parts of your body. It’s common to blame joint pain flare-ups on changes in the weather,

  • Can the Cold Give You a Cold?0

    You may associate the cold weather with being sick or catching a cold. The truth is, the weather is not directly responsible for making you sick, but it can affect your body. The Common Cold According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), millions of people in the U.S. develop the common cold

  • The Community Art Center’s Educational Series0

    The mission of the Community Arts Center is to contribute to our communities through Artistic experiences and creative Collaborations. One of our primary principals is to assure that “Our programming will be appropriate to the diverse interests and educational needs of our regional audience and positioned to assure accessibility to all”. Our Educational Series is an

  • American Cancer Society Daffodil Days Are Back for 20200

    The American Cancer Society has kicked-off our annual Daffodil Days. This colorful first flower of spring represents a campaign to bring hope to cancer patients and those affected by the disease. Funds raised through the sales help support groundbreaking research, patient services, and other cancer society programs. Daffodils can be purchased by the bunch for

  • Safely Enjoy Outdoor Winter Activities0

    While some people like to enjoy the cold winter months hibernating indoors, you may enjoy cold-weather sports and outdoor activities, however, we want you to be safe. Cold weather, limited daylight, snow, and ice can all pose safety risks. A little preparation and planning can keep you and your family safe this winter while enjoying