
Latest Issue

  • UPMC and Cutters to Offer COVID-19 Vaccinations This Week0

    UPMC and the Williamsport Crosscutters will partner to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to fans at baseball games on Wednesday, June 2 and Saturday, June 5 from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Muncy Bank Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field. Fans who receive their shot at the ballpark will receive a coupon for a free hot dog

  • UPMC Expert: Changing the Stigma of Postpartum Depression0

    Mild mood swings may be considered a normal part of pregnancy, but 15 to 20% of women experience more significant depression symptoms before or after giving birth. Changes in environment, relationships, and other major adjustments in life occur during this time, but if feelings of sadness, tearfulness, and being more emotional than usual last more

  • UPMC Physician:0

    It may be hard to set time aside in your busy schedule to take care of yourself, especially during the era of COVID-19. We know you’re busy with working from home, helping your kids with virtual learning, and other interruptions to your day-to-day life. However, it’s important to still make yourself a priority, especially when

  • Library Announces Interactive Summer Learning Program0

    The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., has again partnered with Page Turner Adventures, an Emmy-Award winning program, for the 2021 Summer Learning Program. Starting June 1, the James V. Brown Library will give patrons access to a Virtual Summer Reading Program geared toward children in grades K-3, that includes comedy shows, crafts,

  • UPMC Provider: Identify the Itch0

    If you enjoy spending time outdoors during the warmer months, it’s inevitable that you will run into pesky plants or annoying insects, especially in Pennsylvania. To avoid succumbing to these seasonal woes, it is important to know what condition you are dealing with, how to avoid these pests, and ways to treat your unpleasant reaction

  • Local CEO Fitness and Prevention Keys to Ending Pandemic0

    Health experts have made it very clear from the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic that the most vulnerable populations to the virus were those with chronic conditions such as diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), both of which are often related to obesity and may be preventable. I asked River Valley Regional YMCA CEO,

  • UPMC Expert: Lyme Disease a Concern for Outdoor Adventurers0

    Warmer weather, sunshine, and blooming flowers are all characteristics of springtime that everyone looks forward to after a harsh winter. While we’re enjoying the change of seasons, it’s easy to forget the more unfavorable issues to consider, such as ticks, especially if you’re spending more time outside. Tick season begins simultaneously with the start of

  • Spark Scientific Discovery at Home

    Spark Scientific Discovery at Home0

    Science influences many aspects of daily life in countless ways. It also helps shape the development of life skills from an early age. As children learn to communicate, think critically, make predictions and form opinions based on their observations, they are developing science skills that will last a lifetime. Through its “Wonder of Science” initiative

  • UPMC Physician: Back in Action After Tendon Repair0

    You may never think about your tendons until you experience joint pain or injury. There are over 4,000 tendons in your body, and they connect your muscles and bones together in order to move your body. Injuring a tendon can be very painful and can limit your movement. While many people may think tendon injuries

  • Nine Signs Your Young Child is Having Vision Problems

    Nine Signs Your Young Child is Having Vision Problems0

    As many a parent can attest, decoding a youngster’s needs can be challenging when that child is not yet able to fully communicate. Diagnosing health issues may require a little trial and error. So it’s no wonder many parents are not aware if their children are having issues with vision. Routine wellness exams by your

  • ICU & COVID Unit Nurses at UPMC Awarded Annual Dr. Alexander Nesbitt Commitment to Caring Award0

    The 8th annual Dr. Alexander Nesbitt Commitment to Caring Award was presented to the dedicated and hard-working nurses of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and COVID units at UPMC Susquehanna during a virtual Healthcare Decisions Day event on hospice and end-of-life care. Accepting the award on behalf of each department’s devoted staff were nurse leaders

  • UPMC: Colonoscopy Can Save Your Life0

    More than 140,000 new cases of colon cancer are diagnosed each year, making it the third most common cancer and the second-leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. However, when caught early it is highly treatable. Screening saves lives as it helps catch cancer early and the gold standard for colon cancer screening is