
Latest Issue

  • UPMC Specialist: Understanding Ankle Injuries: Strains, Sprains, and Breaks0

    Though a very common injury for athletes, ankle injuries can happen to anyone at any time. Hiking down your favorite local trail, walking down the stairs with a loaded laundry basket, or mowing the grass in the backyard and stepping into that ditch you’ve been meaning to fill in — it can happen to anyone.

  • UPMC Physicians: Robotic-Assisted Knee Replacement Surgery0

    As you grow older, you may find that your knees are starting to hurt. While joint pain is not uncommon, it can begin to interfere with one’s quality of life if the knee pain continues to progress. If left untreated, it may result in the need for a knee replacement surgery. Having any type of

  • UPMC Expert: Health Screening Milestones for Women0

    It’s never too late to begin building a strong foundation to protect your health now and in the future. Each section below provides suggestions of what to expect throughout the years of female health care. It’s important to note that personal factors may help determine the timing of each test or screening to meet your

  • UPMC Promotes Breast Cancer Awareness With Screenings, Events, and Light Displays0

    In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, UPMC in North Central Pa. is not only going pink but offering a variety of screenings and events to raise breast cancer awareness in the region. “Everywhere you go during October, it is likely you will see a pink ribbon or pink T-shirt promoting breast cancer awareness,” says

  • UPMC Physician: Back-To-School Health Advice for Parents Steven Barrows, M.D. Family Medicine, UPMC0

    School is back in session across the north central region of Pennsylvania. While there is plenty of excitement to go around for both children and parents, it may be a difficult transition for your family. To help with this period of change, it is important to prioritize your children’s health as well as your own.

  • UPMC Expert: Understanding Headaches0

    If you have experienced a headache or migraine, you know how debilitating they can be. As of 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 3% of all annual emergency department visits in the United States are due to complaints of headaches. While most headaches are not the result of a serious

  • September is Library Card Sign-Up Month0

    September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, a time when the James V. Brown Library joins the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries nationwide to remind parents, caregivers and students that signing up for a library card is the first step on the path to academic achievement and lifelong learning. Libraries play a crucial role in

  • UPMC Physician: Understanding Concussions in Sports0

    In recent years, concussions have been at the forefront of sports medicine, and for good reason. A complex injury that is difficult to diagnose, concussions can seem devastating to a young athlete’s career, but they are treatable if you know the signs and symptoms. Concussions do not always involve being “knocked out” or a loss

  • Six Simple Ways to Soothe a Teething Baby

    Six Simple Ways to Soothe a Teething Baby0

    There’s nothing cuter than those first toothy grins, but cutting teeth is a tough business. When a baby is teething, parents often spend long days and nights trying to soothe their little one’s discomfort. Teething affects babies differently; some may not be bothered at all, while others only have trouble with some teeth. Swollen, red

  • Three Tips to Boost Your Children’s Self-Esteem This School Year

    Three Tips to Boost Your Children’s Self-Esteem This School Year0

    While packing bags and backpacks for school, there’s one essential that may be overlooked: Children’s self-esteem. Although many children may feel confident and self-assured at home, they can feel differently in the classroom. When children have high self-esteem, they’re less likely to reflect negative feelings toward others. “If children can treat themselves kindly, they’ll treat

  • Breastfeeding Provides Health Protection for Mom and Baby0

    Breastfeeding is often thought of as a gift between mother and baby. Not only does it provide bonding time, but the health benefits for both baby and mom are undeniable. Breastfeeding gives your baby all the nutrition and disease protection needed for normal growth and lifelong disease protection. August is National Breastfeeding Month, a month

  • UPMC Physician: Navigating Health Care as a Young Adult0

    Our teenage years and early twenties are a pivotal time of change in our lives. Young adults are simultaneously transitioning educationally or vocationally, legally, socially, and emotionally. Young adults take on the responsibilities of becoming an adult and navigating life, and managing health and wellness are a big piece of the life puzzle. From updating