
Latest Issue

  • There is No I in Team USA0

    In the world of sports, anytime a team or individual puts USA across their chest, I become an instant fan. It could be badminton, curling or some sport I didn’t even know about prior to watching the Olympics. I know I’m not alone; probably 98% of Americans feel the same way. One of the great

  • A Positive Kidney for Jeff0

    At the end of 2018, there were roughly 113,000 men, women, and children on the national transplant waiting list. 83% of those are waiting on a kidney. Jeff Burget is one of those. Jeff’s kidney issues began when he was seven from a problem related to strep throat. But in 2012, while in the hospital

  • Webb Weekly Great American Cookout Giveaway

    Webb Weekly Great American Cookout Giveaway0

    Thank you to all that made our Webb Weekly Great American Cookout Giveaway the summer fun contest for a great cause it was intended to be. I couldn’t believe the number of folks that actually brought their entry forms into our Webb Weekly office. It was great to meet and greet some of our readers.

  • Summertime0

    It’s all but mid-July and the lazy-hazy-crazy days of summer are upon us. It seemed like Mother Nature took her sweet time getting around to summer weather, but it appears to be here finally. So how are you spending your summer? Since I don’t have a pool or really know anyone who does, I’m looking

  • An All-American Celebration of Freedom0

    Happy Fourth of July America! It seems like only yesterday I was downtown for the Bicentennial Parade. Wow, where have those 43 years gone? As you celebrate everything that is the United States of America on our 243rd Independence Day, please take a moment to reflect and give thanks. Take a knee for the only

  • Winner, Winner And a Chicken Dinner!

    Winner, Winner And a Chicken Dinner!0

    The results are in and we have a winner for our Great American Cookout, Summer Prize Pack Giveaway! Congratulations to Phyllis Maietta from Loyalsock! She won an amazing Holland Grill from Lycoming Lawn and Garden, and $50 gift cards to Rupert’s Specialty Meats, Tony’s Deli and Frosty Beverage! Everything she needs to have an amazing

  • Socialism is a Declaration of War Against the United States of America1

    For all you far-to-the-left, beyond-liberal socialites, I’m even going to provide you a disclaimer with this week’s column, please do not read beyond this point. The information is impossible for you to understand, let alone accept, and your head might explode. For you far-to-the-left, mainstream-media makers and reporters of what is supposed to be the

  • Summer Hair Repair0

    Believe it or not, it is, in fact, summer. Mother Nature hasn’t seemed to have gotten the memo, but it is summer. Heat, sun, humidity, salt water, and chlorine can all wreak havoc on your hair. So what can you do to protect your hair or undo some of the damage? Glad you asked. Here

  • Serving God, Country and Family

    Serving God, Country and Family0

    Thank you to everyone that has reached out to share a special story about Father John Manno. It’s amazing how many lives he affected and touched in a most positive way. There is no doubt in my mind he will continue to do the Lord’s work through all of us. A special thank you to

  • Summer Pot Lucks

    Summer Pot Lucks0

    Even though we now have Andrea (pg. 24) providing amazing recipes for us, that doesn’t mean that I am going to leave you high and dry on the recipe front. We are coming into picnic season and that means finding something to take along for pot lucks! I found these two great recipes that sound

  • Fathers, Fast Balls and Track Stars0

    The greatest gift a child can give his Father is a heartfelt hug and an I love you. This followed by thanks Dad, for everything you do. This also holds true for everyone that provides fatherly love and guidance in a young person’s life. A Father’s Love and guidance has never been more important. A

  • Happy PRIDE!0

    Alright folks, buckle up. It’s that time of year again. So let’s just get this out here now. I am going to write about Pride Month. If you are somehow, some way, living in 2019 and still offended by that, please stop reading. If you insist on continuing to read and then insist on following