
Latest Issue

  • Happy New Year!0

    In case you didn’t notice, I’m not Jimmy. No worries, he’ll be back next week, he’s just letting me borrow his space for the week so that I can tell you all about this very special week at Webb Weekly. This week’s issue is just one of the many ways Jimmy helps people and our

  • God’s Greatest Gift0

    A very Merry Christmas to everyone! Let’s all be careful out there while enjoying all that is a blessed Holiday season. Please remember to say thank you to all that prepare the perfectly delicious Christmas feast. Absolutely no political discussions until the New Year. And let’s keep the conversation around the table joyous. The most

  • Merry Christmas0

    Well y’all. I did it! I managed to finish all my shopping! Wrapping is in the works, groceries are on the schedule and I even had some time to make some eggnog for those near and dear! I’m so full of Holiday Cheer I can barely contain myself. New traditions are mixing with old and

  • Not So Democratic Party1

    The Inquisition of President Trump is absolutely pathetic. I have never seen a less Democratic procedure take place in our Nation’s Capital. Democracy and the current Democratic Party couldn’t be any greater of a contradiction. The current House Judiciary hearing has absolutely nothing to do with what they claim are two impeachable offenses, and everything

  • It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas0

    With candy canes and silver lanes that glow… Around here that ‘silver lane’ most definitely is Candy Cane Lane! The perfect place — in my humble opinion — to take walk in a Winter Wonderland! A local tradition for over 60 years, Candy Cane Lane is a yearly must-do for so many people in the

  • Keep Your Eyes to the Skies0

    It is definitely the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. As in the Christmas classic sung by Andy Williams. I love when that song comes on the radio; it can’t help but to put some Christmas spirit in your step and a smile on your face. Give it a listen before you go shopping, to

  • The Holidays Cometh…

    The Holidays Cometh…0

    Well, well, well — if it isn’t Christmas sneaking up on me once again. I swear, I am not a procrastinator by nature, and really, I’m further ahead in all things Christmas than I normally am, but it just takes me a little longer than some to find my holly jolly. I have actually started

  • A Friend and Fan for All Seasons0

    Happy Birthday to my good friend Pedie McDonald. It’s hard to believe he’s going to be 60 years young! It seems like only yesterday I shared his 50th birthday with him. I have had a special relationship with Pedie and his parents, Peyton and Peachy, over the years. It began when I was a young

  • The Elves are Here!

    The Elves are Here!0

    Are you ready for Christmas? I’ve got a bobble or two about, but for the most part, I try to take one holiday at a time, so now that we are through Thanksgiving, I’m ready to start setting my sights on the ‘most wonderful time of the year.’ Nothing says Christmas around the Webb Weekly

  • Thanks and Giving for a “Wonderful World”0

    Heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and everyone that makes your world a special place. What an absolutely amazing day. A day to give thanks to God for all that we are so very blessed with. A day to share the spirit of this blessing with family, friends, and loved ones. It’s a cornucopia of

  • Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving0

    It’s time for my annual Thanksgiving list! As you join friends and family this Thanksgiving, take a moment to remember all the things you have to be thankful for this year. Times get tough, but there is always a bright side and listing them out often makes the bad seem a little better. Steve and

  • The Ukrainian Inquisition0

    Thank you to the wonderful staff at Dolly’s Diner for taking such great care of the 303 Veterans that came out for our All American Breakfast on Veterans Day. A Webb Weekly salute to these gentlemen and ladies for providing the freedom that allows all of us to enjoy life in America as we know