
Latest Issue

  • Bingo, Boxing and a Burger0

    I appreciate when nonprofit organizations come up with new and creative ways to raise money. The American people are the most generous folks in the world; they are also the most asked for charitable donations. Your local business community is always on the front lines when it comes to donations, funding, and sponsorship. They get

  • Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month0

    It’s never a fun subject to discuss, but that may make it even more important to discuss. One in three high school students will experience some form of dating violence in their relationships. One in ten high school students has been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. According to

  • A Statement From the Lincoln Youth League Board of Directors0

    Trust us when we tell you that the decision made by the former Newberry Little League Board of Directors to give up our charter was not an easy one. 76 years. One of the oldest charters in the world. The history, the teams, the past, present, and future players… they all factored into our decision.

  • So, I Hear There’s a Rap Concert This Sunday…0

    It’s that time of the year once again! Continuing the tradition started by Mike Rafferty, it’s time for our yearly Super Bowl Predictions. So. Are you ready for some football? This year’s big game brings us the Cincinnati Bengals taking on the LA Rams from Sofi Stadium in Los Angeles, California. This is the second

  • A Tradition of Passion and Compassion0

    Our 14th Annual Webb Weekly Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest is in the books. What an amazing hunting season it was. The best part for me is it’s like being a member of Pennsylvania’s largest hunting camp. I get to talk to so many folks that are passionate about God, Country, family, and, oh yes,

  • A Strategy To Empower People0

    As many of you know, when I was growing up in Southside, I lived on Kane Street. I spent a lot of time at my grandmother, Josephine Webb’s, and at my aunt Mary Jo’s. Both lived in what my Father referred to as the Dutch Hill section. I had a blast in that neighborhood, whether

  • It’s Flippin’ Freezing – Stay Inside!0

    Y’all. Despite living the majority of my life in central PA, I am just not built for how cold it’s been recently. As I write this, it’s a whopping 7°. That, my friends, is bull…nevermind… So right now, my only option is to stay inside as much as a I can. Here in the office,

  • 2.7 Seconds on a Bull Named Fumanchu

    2.7 Seconds on a Bull Named Fumanchu0

    A line from Tim McGraw’s hit song “Live Like You Were Dying” is the title of this week’s column. We are all mortal; for some of us, the end will come quick; for others, we’ll have that moment that stops you in your tracks, as the song says. None of us want to think about

  • Save Lives – Donate Blood0

    According to the American Red Cross, National Blood Donor Month, which has taken place each January since 1970, is such an important observance. Winter is “one of the most difficult times of year to collect enough blood products to meet patient needs.” Busy schedules, bad weather, getting dark early, and COVID concerns are all keeping

  • Way Above the Curve0

    A few years back, shortly before he left us, I had Father John Manno out for a drive around town. I wanted to show him the progress that had been made in the Historic District and around the Annunciation Parish. From there, we rode on up to Historic Bowman Field, which was recently remodeled. As

  • Winter Dinners0

    Two of my New Year’s resolutions were to eat better and save money. How those two work together is by eating more meals (and by more, I mean the majority) at home. That helps with healthier ingredients, portion control and of course, saving money. This means that I am once again on the hunt for

  • 2022 – Out of the Gate with Gratitude0

    I wish you a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year. It’s hard to believe the Webb Weekly is closing in on 20 years of being welcomed into your home. All of us here at Webb Weekly thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We take great pride in the publication we provide, from those