
Latest Issue

  • The Neighborhood Bear is Back Smarter than Ever0

    Springtime brings the return of the Pennsylvania black bear to many neighborhoods across the West Branch Valley. They are looking for a quick and easy meal, whether it be from a bird feeder, garbage can, picnic basket, or whatever they find appetizing that day. This was the case in my neighborhood last week, as there

  • Let’s Go Do Something0

    If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times. If you claim there is nothing to do around here, you aren’t even trying. I haven’t done one of these in a while, so let’s run through some upcoming local activities, because there is little in the world I enjoy more than being right.

  • Closing Out the Mall and Webb Family Baseball0

    Thank you to everyone that came out and made this year’s West Branch Susquehanna Builder’s Home Show a great success. Over 3,000 folks made the trip to the old Dick’s building at the Lycoming Mall. There was somebody there that could help you with every project imaginable. A Webb Weekly shout-out to Association President Jody

  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month0

    In July of 2016 I wrote the following: “Let’s make this perfectly clear. Crystal clear. Just-Windexed-sun-streaming-in-clear. There is never, and I mean never, a justification for rape or sexual assault. I don’t care if you bought her a drink. I don’t care if you bought her dinner. I don’t care if she flirted with you.

  • Love, Life and Selflessness: Easter Thoughts from Father Manno

    Love, Life and Selflessness: Easter Thoughts from Father Manno0

    As I gathered the information this past week, I intended to write about how we must protect our children when they go to school. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with the innocent victims of the Covenant School shooting. A 9-year-old child should never have to worry about going to school, nor should their

  • Happy Easter!0

    Hey y’all! I’m so excited for Easter this weekend! I had so much fun prepping for our annual Easter contest this year! Next to the Fourth of July, Easter is one of my favorite holidays. But before I get too far into my article this week, let me ask you a question. Are you ready?

  • Diamonds, Deadlifts, and Yardsticks

    Diamonds, Deadlifts, and Yardsticks0

    It was a beautiful sun-drenched Tuesday afternoon last week, and I couldn’t wait to get out of the office and up to Historic Bowman Field.  There was a doubleheader to be played at the amazing ballpark that has only gotten better with age.  A couple of games being played at Bowman is nothing new, but

  • Happy Spring!0

    It’s funny how we associate different events with different parts of life. For me, the Little League World Series marks the beginning of the end of summer. And the West Branch Builder’s Home Show is the unofficial kick-off to spring. I always look forward to spending a couple of hours at the show each year.

  • In a World Divided, We Need a Nation United0

    As I watched the report of Polish President Andrzej Duda pledging four MiG 29 fighter jets to Ukraine, I realized this high-stake game of poker had just been raised significantly. This made Poland the first NATO country to actually step forward to provide Ukraine fighter jets. In a twist of irony, the MiGs are actually

  • We’re Going on an Easter Egg (Bunny) Hunt!0

    Boys and girls, you’re about to behold a sight so fluffy, so delightful, so utterly adorable, that I urge those of you who are easily tickled or prone to the giggles to look the other way — but if you are still here, step right up, everyone has a chance to win a prize! As

  • Shamrocks, Hoops and Home Improvement0

    Well, the winter that wasn’t has shown up like a lion for the month of March. Let’s hope the saying holds true and it goes out like a lamb. What a great time of year, late winter snowfall and all. Soon we will be enjoying all the sweet sounds, sights, and activities of Spring. Daylight

  • Happy St. Patrick’s Day0

    “Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ort!” — in other words, “May the blessing of St. Patrick’s Day be on you.” I am not Irish. Not even a little bit. According to 23andMe, I am Italian and German. Leaning heavily towards the Italian. But there’s nothing wrong with finding the Irish spirit and having some St. Patrick’s