
Latest Issue

  • What to Wear This Fourth of July0

    Getting ready for a Fourth of July celebration, whether it’s at home with your loved ones or celebrating with a few friends, doesn’t mean you have to reach for an American flag t-shirt or print. Instead, you can express your patriotism and sense of style with a variety of summer-loving looks. Here are a few

  • Understanding Obesity0

    The obesity epidemic in the United States is a complex issue, which in turn makes prevention strategies equally complex. Since this epidemic is likely comprised of environmental, biological, social, and economic components, prevention strategies would need to address each of these components to be effective. The population in the United States is, on average, overweight

  • Church: The Time is Now0

    As we emerge from the madness of a global pandemic catastrophe, the Church-world is taking a hard look at itself – and well, it should. The Church, especially in the United States, has been losing ground for nearly 50 years. The Church in the US has experienced the greatest missional opportunities of the past 2,000

  • Brown Library Accepts Passport Applications0

    Need to get a passport but can’t take the time off work to visit the post office or prothonotary’s office? Don’t worry – the library can help! The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., is an official Passport Acceptance Facility and open after work and on Saturdays. Library staff also can take your

  • A Truly Memorable Summer Menu

    A Truly Memorable Summer Menu0

    Summer days are often spent with family and friends, soaking in the sun’s rays and enjoying outdoor living with warm-weather activities. Complement this year’s summertime excitement with food that matches your enthusiasm for the season. Your menu can start with a fruity dip and a salad before diving into steak for the main course and

  • Uptown Music Collective Accepting Applications0

    The Uptown Music Collective, the area’s premier nonprofit school of music, is now accepting scholarship applications for its 2021-2022 school year, which will begin in September. This year, the Collective is offering 11 needs- and merit-based scholarships to currently enrolled students, as well as new students wishing to enroll in the school for the upcoming

  • Girls Trip0

    In 2019, my very good friend from college suggested we celebrate our 40th birthdays the following year with a trip to Sonoma. I said, “sounds great; let’s touch base after the new year and see what 2020 looks like…” Well, we all know what happened in 2020. My friend, who lives in Denver, turned 40

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Hype: How Scammers, Grifters, and Con Artists Are Taking Over the Internet – And Why We’re Following” by Gabrielle Bluestone0

    Yeah, says who? The answer likely depends on who’s asking but the outcome is still the same: once was, if it was a parent or teacher, you took a deep breath before replying. Now, as an adult, you still want to think before answering. Is it you who says or, as in the new book

  • Five Benefits of Game Play for Children

    Five Benefits of Game Play for Children0

    Parents walk a fine line when trying to determine how much time to allow their kids to engage in game play. Game play has traditionally had a bad reputation, but parents can rest assured that by letting their children get involved in entertaining games of all types, including video games, they’re actually helping their youngsters

  • I’m Jelly Over This

    I’m Jelly Over This0

    It’s official. Summer fruit season is here! I love this time of year. My kids and I just went and picked strawberries and red raspberries at the Green Barn Berry Farm in Muncy. They are so wonderful there with such a beautiful place. If you are looking to pick, it’s worth the trip! Now, you

  • Local Police Save Dog and Its Owners

    Local Police Save Dog and Its Owners0

    When it comes to police officers and the media, it seems that negative stories are what consistently make news headlines. Rarely are the countless good deeds that are performed by our brave men and women in blue lauded. This is why when local police and rescue personnel saved two people and their dog, it was

  • Financial Tips for Parents to Teach Their Children

    Financial Tips for Parents to Teach Their Children0

    Children often dream of the day they can call themselves grown-ups, but few look forward to – let alone think about – the financial realities of independence. It’s never too early to start teaching your children how to save money and spend responsibly. “As parents, our job is to set our children up for success,”