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  • Exercising With Arthritis0

    I have worked with many physicians over the years and have thoroughly enjoyed our conversations. While they come to me for fitness information, our conversations often drift to other health-related topics of which I am less versed. One such discussion was about exercise and different forms of arthritis. A physician once told me, “You can

  • Tomato Plants0

    When planting your young tomato plants, select a place that gets a fair amount of direct sunlight for most of the day. Your plants will need around 6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day. If you choose to start your plants from seed, they should only get indirect sunlight for a few hours per

  • Creative Summer Moments Family-Friendly Ideas For Summer Fun0

    Warm, sunny days are the perfect setting for making family memories, but they’re also ideal opportunities to encourage kids to get creative and let their imaginations soar. These ideas for summertime activities encourage family interaction, and the more kids get to help plan and organize the details, the more engaged you can expect them to

  • Potato Pancake!0

    Who likes taters? Raise your hand. I do! I do! Potatoes are one of those things that just give you so many options as a side dish. The options are really endless. I couldn’t even tell you my top three favorites. I love fried potatoes, baked potatoes, french fries, scalloped potatoes, potato wedges, mashed potatoes,

  • The Bookworm Sez

    The Bookworm Sez0

    “The Black Civil War Soldier: A Visual History of Conflict and Citizenship” by Deborah Willis c.2021, New York University Press $35.00 / higher in Canada 256 pages “Blood and Germs: The Civil War Battle Against Wounds and Disease” by Gail Jarrow c.2020, Calkins Creek $18.99 / $24.99 Canada 176 pages Put up your fists. Yep,

  • Shorts0

    The chilly mornings and rainy days as of late may make it seem like summer will never arrive, but as soon as Memorial Day rolls around, we will be in the thick of summer. The number one style staple of summer is shorts! There are many different types of shorts and figuring out how to

  • Resurrection Life! Called On Our Side of the Ascension0

    Today we make a transition in our Resurrection Life series. Up to this point, we have only considered the amazing interactions people had with the risen Jesus between His resurrection and His ascension. This week and next, we will look at two interactions Jesus had with people after His ascension. Why? To remind us that

  • Resistance Training is Good for More than Just Building Muscle0

    I recently looked at an infographic published by the American College of Sports Medicine on the benefits of resistance training. It got me thinking about my undergraduate exercise physiology class and how far science has progressed in recent decades in understanding the relationship between strength training and health. The professor, who was excellent, by the

  • Don’t Be Fooled0

    Do not be fooled. I have noticed many big companies getting the idea that they can call a greenhouse and order plants that grow vegetables and flowers in mass quantities to make a quick buck. Did you know some of these plants are not even grown in our local area and maybe not even in

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Oliver for Young Readers” by Steven J. Carino and Alex Tresniowski, foreword by Laura Schroff

    The Bookworm Sez: “Oliver for Young Readers” by Steven J. Carino and Alex Tresniowski, foreword by Laura Schroff0

    Take that! Or, maybe on the other hand, don’t. That’s not yours to take, so taking it would be stealing and you’ve been taught since you were in diapers that stealing is wrong. You know how much it hurts to lose something through theft; in “Oliver for Young Readers” by Steven J. Carino and Alex

  • Love Being a Momma

    Love Being a Momma0

    First off, I am so sorry I missed Mother’s Day! I knew weeks ago what I was going to write about, and last night said to my hubby how I was writing for Mother’s Day this week. He is the one that pointed out I would be a week late. I was so disgusted! I

  • Resurrection Life! Absent and Doubting0

    In this series of articles, we are taking a look at interactions Jesus had with people during the forty days between His resurrection and His ascension. So far, we have discussed Mary Magdalene, the Disciples, and Cleopas and his friend as they walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Previous articles in this series