
Latest Issue

  • The Sniffles & Chicken Noodle

    The Sniffles & Chicken Noodle0

    This week, as I wrapped up my 2020 harvest season, I was one more step ahead than last year. Let me explain. I spent the second to last Saturday in October making a big ol’ stock pot of homemade chicken noodle soup. Not just for those busy nights, but for the flu and cold season.

  • The Bookworm Sez “Anxious People” by Fredrik Backman

    The Bookworm Sez “Anxious People” by Fredrik Backman0

    There’s no way out. Face it: you can’t escape. There’s no sneaking off here, no graceful exits, no big cartoon stage-hooks for you. You can’t wiggle past anybody, and just walking off into the sunset is a no-go. Nope, you’re stuck. You can’t get away now; as in the new novel “Anxious People” by Fredrik

  • Non-linear Periodization for0

    Youth Strength and Conditioning This article is intended for coaches, athletes, fitness enthusiasts, or anyone interested in exercise science. Anyone that has been involved in strength and conditioning for any length of time has probably used and written many different programs. Regardless of said programs’ intentions, most people, myself included, have most likely been designing

  • JOIN THE FIGHT!  World Prematurity Day November 17th

    JOIN THE FIGHT! World Prematurity Day November 17th0

    It is not something that a mother plans, nor is it something that one wishes for. Nothing can prepare a mother for an early birth. 33,000 babies will be born premature this month. That is 1 in every 10 babies. Every 12 hours a mother dies due to pregnancy complications. Additionally, two babies die each

  • The Balance of Power0

    As I write this article, the presidential election results have yet to be finalized – and they won’t be for some time because the Electoral College votes on December 14. It is what it is, but the extended wait during such a contentious and divided season has everyone’s head ready to explode. Friends, we live

  • Local Strongman Takes Static Monsters PA0

    Local strongman, Adam Grimes, is at it again. On October 24th, Grimes competed at Static Monsters Pennsylvania Log Press and Deadlift Championships. This would be his first time competing in the Men’s Open division. The competition took place at VIP Training & Strength Sport in Newtown, PA. There was a total of three events- a

  • Of Kings and Presidents0

    Due to the nature of writing for a weekly publication, I submit articles five days before they land on your doorstep. You’re reading this article after election day; I wrote it five days before. Regardless, I am fully confident in what I am about to write. Here are my predictions regarding what will happen on

  • Hello November

    Hello November0

    Nov-em-what!? Where did November come from? Wasn’t it just August, and I was complaining about the heat? November, I love you, though. I love all the leaves on the ground, the bare trees, chimneys with smoke coming from homes, and the outside air feeling like winter is right around the corner. Sorry, I am one

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Hunt for History” by Nathan Raab

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Hunt for History” by Nathan Raab0

    Burn. Toss. Recycle. Deal with later. It was easy to go through that box of papers you found because most of it went in the first three categories, junk, junk, trash, and lots of it. And then something caught your eye: a signature, a date, a real find or a good fake. The question is,

  • An Evening with George Winston

    An Evening with George Winston0

    Renowned musician, George Winston, will be in concert November 5th and 6th at the Chef’s Listening room at the Carriage House, operated by Chef Hosch and Ann Catering in Williamsport. Winston plans on bringing something special to Northcentral, PA, during these unique times. Known mainly as a pianist, Winston also plays guitar and harmonica and

  • Style File: Cabincore0

    First, the fashion world was swept by normcore, then menocore; this past summer, fashionistas, and influencers were all atwitter with cottagecore. Now that we are well into fall, the next big trend is cabincore! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, that’s fine; this mostly pertains to millennials. But what’s interesting is that

  • Potential Substitutes When You’re Missing an Ingredient

    Potential Substitutes When You’re Missing an Ingredient0

    When cooking or baking at home, few things can prove as frustrating as preparing a dish only to realize you’re missing a key item from the ingredients list. Such realizations often force cooks to stop what they’re doing and make emergency trips to a nearby grocery store. That can delay dinner time or make cooks