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  • Spooky Jewelry & Accessories0

    Halloween is upon us, and even if you’re not much into costumes, you can still have seasonal fun by incorporating themed jewelry and accessories in your everyday looks as you count down to trick-or-treat. Sure, when you think of Halloween accessories, you may jump to plastic spider rings and a witch’s hat. But, as Halloween

  • Farewell Tour for ‘Rent’ Coming to Williamsport0

    Northcentral Pennsylvania residents have a final opportunity to experience the touring production of a cultural touchstone. The 25th anniversary farewell tour of “Rent” will share a “final season of love” at Williamsport’s Community Arts Center on Sunday, Oct. 31, at 7:30 p.m. The Tony Award- and Pulitzer Prize-winning rock musical became a phenomenon following its

  • Moderate Beer Consumption Linked to Good Health (Part 2)0

    As always, this information is intended for education and entertainment purposes only. Consult with your health care team for all things medical. If you haven’t already gleaned it from part 1 of this article, I am an unapologetic fan of beer. I’m not quite a beer snob yet though I’m still working on it, so

  • Core Values – Humility0

    This article is the third in a series of articles on core values for churches and Christians. You can access the articles in this series by visiting Humility is our next core value. At our church, we refer to it as the central, selfless, and slippery core value. Let’s talk about it. Arrogance The

  • Families United Network, Inc. to Host Community Trunk or Treat and Food Truck event0

    Families United Network, Inc. will be hosting a Trunk or Treat event for the community on October 30th from 3 p.m.-6 p.m. at their Fun Academy location at 145 Ashler Manor Drive, Muncy PA. The event will provide the community with a free and safe way to trick or treat this Halloween. We have many

  • Fall Dress Outfits0

    Eventually, the temperatures will begin to drop, and a dress might be the last thing you reach for when putting together your autumn ensembles, especially if you don’t consider yourself a dress person. However, with the right accessories to pair with your fall dresses, you might start to think otherwise. Styling a dress for fall

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Horse Girls: Recovering, Aspiring, and Devoted Riders Redefine the Iconic Bond,” edited by Halimah Marcus

    The Bookworm Sez: “Horse Girls: Recovering, Aspiring, and Devoted Riders Redefine the Iconic Bond,” edited by Halimah Marcus0

    You were determined not to get bit. But in a totally different meaning of the word, you were equally determined that your horse would accept one. Without a bit in his mouth, he wouldn’t turn, slow down, or stop when you wanted to ride — and of course, as in “Horse Girls,” edited by Halimah

  • ‘FALL’ing into Great Businesses

    ‘FALL’ing into Great Businesses0

    You all know how much I enjoy going out to eat. You know how much I love fall, and you know that I like to let you all know if I go to a great business in our area. I think it’s so awesome how many great places we have in our county. If you

  • Core Values – Clarity0

    The word clarity is used to describe something that is clear, simple, or precise. If it is something spoken, clarity means that the message has been communicated efficiently and effectively. If it is an object, like a diamond, clarity refers to its ability to allow light to pass through it without obstruction. Both meanings are

  • Moderate Beer Consumption Linked to Good Health (Part 1)0

    As always, this information is intended for education and entertainment purposes only. Consult with your health care team for all things medical. You read that correctly; beer has health benefits. In fact, early strongmen swore by it. World-renowned strongman Arthur Saxon, from the early 1900s, was one of its biggest proponents. Saxon, star of the

  • Buying Used Tupperware in a Stranger’s Yard0

    “You grab first and look later. That’s important.” “This isn’t a tea party; manners just slow you down.” It’s way too early on a Saturday morning to understand the game plan for the next few hours. I’m sleepy, cranky, and badly want a donut, but there’s no time to spare. With our destination in sight,

  • Fall Favorites

    Fall Favorites0

    When it comes to fall, I have so many favorites. Last week we talked about soups. I made that Chili Mac and Cheese for our hayride, and let me tell you; it was hit. We had so many delicious soups. A dozen to be exact. And the pies! Ohhh, the pies. I had to sample