
Latest Issue

  • Local Gamers Take on the World0

    The video game industry has changed a lot over the years, going from simple 2-dimensional, pixelated games like Pong to elaborate multi-player networks with a global reach. In 2019, the US video game industry generated a whopping $90+billion and supported approximately 430,000 jobs. This translated to over $12 billion in local, state, and federal taxes.

  • Midsummer Closet Cleanout0

    The course of true summer style never does run smooth, does it? Every year it feels like I have my summer wardrobe all lined up but come late July, I feel like I have nothing to wear — even with my closet bursting. One way to rejuvenate your warm-weather wardrobe is not to necessarily rush

  • Depression May Be Linked to Gut0

    Many articles have been published recently discussing the connection the mind has with gut health — specifically, the microbiome, which are the trillions of bacteria living in our digestive systems. Research has shown that the gut microbiome can affect many body systems and processes, including digestion, immunity, and possibly our mental well-being. In an article

  • Six for the Road: A Cinematic Tribute to Travel0

    At the height of the travel season — and in honor of the state-traversing U.S. Route 6, Pennsylvania’s coolest two-lane — Webb presents a half-dozen road movies. We’ll stick to “under-the-radar” films in this category — trusting that most readers already know about such classics as “Rain Man,” “Planes, Trains and Automobiles,” the Oscar-magnet “It

  • Coastal Grandmother0

    Did you envy Diane Keaton’s outfits in “Something’s Gotta Give” or Merely Streep’s in “It’s Complicated?” Are you a fan of Nancy Meyers movies with their perennial summertime lifestyle full of beautiful older women in linen tunics and arranging fresh flowers? Do you enjoy nine solid hours of sleep in a room with a humidifier,

  • Sweet Teens

    Sweet Teens0

    As my son Tyler officially turns into a teenager this month on July 28, I can’t help but look at him and know I really have to start cherishing every moment with this kid. He is almost taller than me, and his feet are as big as his dad’s. It was just yesterday he was

  • Why Is It So Hard to Forgive?0

    Of all the spiritual disciplines, forgiveness may be the hardest. Why? First, because we simply cannot forget the offense. Long-term memories are stored securely in the brain. Time doesn’t heal all wounds. Some offenses actually grow worse as we grow older. Others grow worse as we obsess on them — making them loom bigger in

  • Half a Cookie

    Half a Cookie0

    It had been weeks since we had been to my momma and stepdad’s for dinner. We were used to all being together on Thursdays at the farm, but life gets in the way. My brother and his family were going away on vacation, but my momma asked if we would like to come over for

  • Summer Dresses0

    In the summer, dresses (for those of you that regularly wear them) are an essential outfit staple. There are so many options when it comes to warm-weather frocks, from little white dresses to shirtdresses, to caftans. The easier the on-off, the better for when you want to look cute but not as if you’re trying

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Conversations with People Who Hate Me: 12 Things I Learned From Talking to Internet Strangers” by Dylan Marron

    The Bookworm Sez: “Conversations with People Who Hate Me: 12 Things I Learned From Talking to Internet Strangers” by Dylan Marron0

    Sometimes, it just makes you feel gruff. Seriously, the internet should be the G.O.A.T. invention. It should be a place to connect with friends and share laughs, a safe place to go when you want to be yourself. It should be a place to tell your story, free of danger and full of truth. Nobody

  • The Sinking Ship That’s Still Afloat 50 Years Later0

    Gene Hackman is midway up a towering metal Christmas tree with his hands pressed firmly on Shelley Winters’ derriere. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And those desperate measures include Winter’s ample fanny. So begins a harrowing race to the bottom that is now the top — What a disaster! —And movie fans couldn’t get

  • Putting God Back in our Country0

    As we all get ready to celebrate America’s birthday this weekend, let’s remember how lucky we are to live in such a wonderful country. I know it’s getting divided, and things are tough right now, but let’s not forget the people who fought hard for this country. Let your patriotism show this weekend! Whether it