
Latest Issue

  • Gilson Summer Snow Day 20220

    Gilson Snow, a Winfield, PA-based company that designs and builds snowboards and skis, recently hosted their 2022 Summer Snow Day festival, and it was awesome! The event is held annually at the facility grounds, affectionately known as the Snowboard Farm. The goal of the festival is to put together the area’s biggest and most fun,

  • Sunday Nights

    Sunday Nights0

    It’s 6:30 on a Sunday night. Dad’s on the couch watching “Pennsylvania Outdoor Life.” I knew the sound of Don Jacobs’ voice as I listened from the kitchen. Mom would be working on prepping our Sunday dinner for our seven o’clock show of “America’s Funniest Home Videos.” AFV started to air in late 1989, so

  • Bloody Good Script: Brad Pitt in “Bullet Train”0

    I would have enjoyed “Bullet Train” a whole lot more if it weren’t so outrageously violent. It’s like someone took a decent script and handed it to Tarantino—except that director David Leitch seems to want to out-Quentin Quentin. Which is too bad, because the plotting is unusually strong for what seemed like a standard actioner

  • The Bookworm Sez: “My Moment: 106 Women on Fighting for Themselves,” stories collected by Kristin Chenoweth, Kathy Najimy, Linda Perry, Chely Wright and Lauren Blitzer

    The Bookworm Sez: “My Moment: 106 Women on Fighting for Themselves,” stories collected by Kristin Chenoweth, Kathy Najimy, Linda Perry, Chely Wright and Lauren Blitzer0

    No. It’s simple, really: just one syllable, dragged out or said sharply, emphatically, and finally. No. You’ve heard it all your life, yelled it a time or two. “No” is easy to say, especially when, as in the new book “My Moment,” stories collected by Kristin Chenoweth, Kathy Najimy, Linda Perry, Chely Wright and Lauren

  • Buns and Braids0

    What a summer we are having friends. They say April is the cruelest month, but I’d vote for August with this heat and humidity. Even when the temps aren’t so high, the weight of moisture in the air may drive those of us with longer locks to the hairdresser for a chop. But if you

  • Dig Deeper0

    As I have mentioned in previous articles, my wife and I moved to North Carolina not too long after graduating from college. It was a formative time in our lives as we were on our own, newly married, and far away from the security of family and friends. We lived in the south for almost

  • Lock Haven Jams 20220

    The Lock Haven Jams Music Festival is back. The Clinton County Arts Council is sponsoring the three-day event that will begin Friday, August 11th, at the Roxy Theater in Lock Haven with ‘Rockin’ the Roxy.’ Tickets are required for this part of the festival and can be purchased, at a discount, in advance, online at

  • Fall Trends 20220

    I’ll always savor long summer days, but as back to school draws near and autumn is faintly visible on the horizon, I’m ready for a mood shift to the cooler days of a crisp fall. With any change in the season, I’m looking ahead to some of this year’s must-have trends. Sure, not all trends

  • Sophie, April, Molly, Maria, Brittany & the Little Lady: Six Films About Strong Women0

    Two weeks ago, I rhapsodized over “Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris,” the new release about a widowed British cleaning woman; then, in our last issue, I reviewed the online documentary, “What Is a Woman?” Noticing a trend, I decided this week to continue focusing on females — with a half-dozen films from my book on

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Ready for Launch: An Astronaut’s lessons for Success on Earth” by Scott Kelly0

    Liftoff is in three… two… one… And from that point, you’re off to your future. No matter what your situation or your age, when you start something new, there’s a kind of catapult that you feel, like a rock from a slingshot or like being propelled into a whole different world. And as in the

  • Make Healthy Easy with Grapes0

    If you’re like many Americans who put a priority on well-being, choosing simple yet healthy snacks and ingredients is an easy first step. For example, grapes are a popular and convenient fruit that can also be an ally in wellness, offering an abundance of health benefits that can help you get (and stay) on the

  • Don’t Blink0

    Can you all believe it’s August already? We are getting down to the last few weeks of summer. I can’t believe my kids are going back to school in less than three weeks. It’s unreal. I have my youngest, with her last year in elementary school, and my oldest going into a brand-new middle school.