
Latest Issue

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Book Eaters” by Sunyi Dean

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Book Eaters” by Sunyi Dean0

    You’ve consumed a lot of fairy tales in your lifetime. Princesses on mattresses, princesses with glass slippers, princesses in towers, princesses and frogs, you knew them all before reality set in and you stopped dreaming about any sort of handsome prince. And that’s fine; in the new novel, “The Book Eaters” by Sunyi Dean, you’re

  • A Rainy October Day

    A Rainy October Day0

    I stopped into Weis in Jersey Shore. The phones weren’t busy at work, and I got all the fuel tickets done, so I left around 12:30. I was looking forward to a rainy Thursday and thought soup sounded perfect for dinner. Weis is only a few minutes from work, and I thought I’d beat the

  • Rainproof Outfits0

    With the recent wet weather and the cloudy days ahead, I’ve been thinking about how best to dress for the rain with a fashionable nod toward fall style. In my mind, wet autumn weather doesn’t mean slacking in style. In fact, I see it as a fashion challenge to look great and stay dry. Plus

  • Skincare Tweaks for Fall0

    After a relentlessly hot and muggy summer, who isn’t welcoming these cooler days of autumn with open arms? But with cozy evenings, sweaters, foliage, and pumpkins, fall can also bring a host of potential skin problems. The combination of chillier weather and central heating can make your skin dry, tight, and sensitive. The lotions and

  • Making Tomato Sauce with Momma

    Making Tomato Sauce with Momma0

    My momma is probably reading the title of this, going, “Oh boy.” She never knows what I may write, but the day we made sauce, we said what a good column this would make. We have been harvesting food together for years, but I remember when I was a little girl, my mom would be

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Our Gen: A Novel” by Diane McKinney-Whetstone0

    Sometimes, you just have to lay your burden down. When it’s heaviest, when your arms can’t support it and your back breaks from the weight of it, when your shoulders and your heart ache from it, release it. Let it go, let it be. Or, as in the new novel, “Our Gen” by Diane McKinney-Whetstone,

  • Local Bodybuilder Wins NPC Big Cat Classic0

    Local bodybuilder Ryan Troutman recently won 5 categories, including Open Bodybuilding Overall and Best in Show at the NPC Big Cat Classic! The event held on Saturday, October 1st, at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Allentown was a national qualifying show. Troutman is owner and manager of the Fitness Factory, located in Williamsport. When he’s

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Fly Girl” by Ann Hood

    The Bookworm Sez: “Fly Girl” by Ann Hood0

    Cairo, San Juan, London, Dublin. Sometimes, you just need to get outta Dodge and out of your comfort zone by spending time in totally different surroundings. Barbados, Rome, even a quiet cabin across the state will work, if you’re in the right mood. Travel may be a little difficult these days, though, so how about

  • Rethinking Anxiety0

    When we think of anxiety, our minds instantly go to something negative, and that should be avoided at all costs. However, anxiety might not necessarily always be a bad thing. In a May 2022 interview with McKinsey Global Publishing, Dr. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Hunter College, talks about how we

  • Missional Strategy – The Why0

    This past Sunday, I started a new series of sermons called “Missional Strategy – Why we do what we do the way we do it.” I think I chose this topic partly because the pandemic is winding down, partly because our church is on the threshold of some new opportunities, and partly because mission drift

  • Sweater Weather0

    It’s official; fall has finally begun! And for those of us who are fans of all-things autumn, the return of sweater weather brings forth a delightful sort of glee! As we settle into the season, I’ve been mulling over new ways to wear oversized sweaters. While they might seem basic, oversized knits can create a

  • World War II Veteran to Lead Free Concert at the CAC0

    The brutal battle of the Ardennes Forest took place more than 80 years ago during World War II; there aren’t many men still alive who fought and served during those freezing weeks late in 1944. But one of them will conduct a concert at the Community Arts Center on Oct. 9. Still active at the