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  • Enjoy More Time Outdoors With Easy Tricks

    Enjoy More Time Outdoors With Easy Tricks0

    In centuries past, humans spent much of their time in nature, hunting, foraging and living life without the comforts of extensive shelters. Fast-forward several centuries, and the tables have turned dramatically. The Environmental Protection Agency says the average person spends 93 percent of his life indoors, with 87 percent of the time inside of a

  • The Great Sock Abyss0

    Some time ago my daughter cleaned her bedroom, and in so doing resurrected an embarrassment of items that she had ostensibly given up for dead. Things that she hadn’t seen in such a long period of time that she forgot about them almost entirely. There was a pair of iPhone earbuds that had been MIA

  • A Memorial Day Follow Up0

    Webb Weekly does not often follow up on stories we have previously run, but we believe because the original story exemplifies the spirit of recognition and appreciation of those in uniform who gave their lives to keep this country free, we thought it wholly appropriate to do a follow-up. In our April 25 issue, we

  • The Power of the Media…

    The Power of the Media…0

    In a time when the media is taking a beating — being accused of being ‘fake,’ and often slanting to the left or right for their own benefit, it’s very existence threatened, let’s take a minute and put it to good use. No other print news in the area has the coverage that Webb Weekly

  • Filling the Void with Remembrances

    Filling the Void with Remembrances0

    He had the softest ears of any dog I’ve ever known. That said, I almost never passed up an opportunity to caress them. Nor could I deny how I loved snuggling with him on the couch, his box-like body curled up and wedged next to mine — safe and warm. No matter what the day

  • The Summer Job Disappearing Act0

    Another monumental shift in society — in the summer of 1978, 60% of teenagers were working or looking for work. By 2016, only 35% were doing that! Now, don’t be quick to judge (as I was) and say the kids these days are too lazy to hit the job trail. Many are spending more time

  • This Week’s LION – Anna Vaughn Stewart: Passionate Playwright

    This Week’s LION – Anna Vaughn Stewart: Passionate Playwright0

    Seniors in high school are typically preoccupied with serious life decisions like what they will do after high school, and other, not as serious but just as vexing issues, such as excessive facial oil and who they will go with to the prom. But a young lady by the name of Anna Vaughn Stewart, soon-to-be

  • Bill Fritz Looks Back At 50 Years of Umpiring

    Bill Fritz Looks Back At 50 Years of Umpiring1

    The year was 1968. It was one of the most chaotic and turbulent years in American history but wasn’t the case on the baseball diamond at Original League due to men like Bill Fritz, who served as an umpire to make it possible for young boys to play out their baseball dreams. He has been

  • Professional Summer Wear0

    The warmer weather is finally here! As much as I love the sunshine and the summer styles that go with it, short hemlines, bare shoulders, and breezy silhouettes can be a bit too casual for the workplace. While some offices are more laidback than others, chances are denim cutoffs, and tank tops are most likely

  • Saving Bees One Hive at a Time: The basics of backyard beehives0

    Scientists and environmentalists have been warning the public for years that honeybees are disappearing at alarming rates. Scientists were initially uncertain in regard to what was decimating bee populations. Even though no single cause is to blame, data has pointed to pesticide use and the mysterious colony collapse disorder, which is a name given to

  • Five Reasons to Try Apple Cider Vinegar0

    Vinegar is a fermented liquid made from a wide array of ingredients that is used primarily to preserve and flavor food. But the uses for vinegar are almost as extensive as the variety of flavors it’s available in. The word “vinegar” comes from the French “vin aigre,” or “sour wine.” Vinegar is a diluted solution

  • The Bookworm Sez: “As You Wish” by Jude Deveraux

    The Bookworm Sez: “As You Wish” by Jude Deveraux0

    If you could, would you take it all back? Every misunderstanding, cross word, and cold shoulder, erased. Time wasted, retrieved. Hurtful situations never happened. Would you eliminate each of them or, as in the new novel “As You Wish” by Jude Deveraux, would you change the entire course of your life? Olivia Montgomery had never