
Latest Issue

  • Did You Know? Rain Barrels

    Did You Know? Rain Barrels0

    Rain barrels provide an eco-friendly opportunity to repurpose rainwater while helping homeowners conserve water and save money. But homeowners must exercise caution when using rain barrels in their lawns and gardens. Water collected by rainwater should never be used for drinking, cooking or bathing. Pet owners should know that water collected by rain barrels also

  • How to Control Crabgrass Before it Appears

    How to Control Crabgrass Before it Appears0

    Homeowners who enjoy tending to their lawns know that grass is vulnerable to a host of problems, many of which appear at a time of year when lawn enthusiasts want to showcase the fruits of their lawn-and-garden labors. Crabgrass is a common problem that appears in summer. According to Lowes, crabgrass plants produce thousands of

  • What To Toss from Your Closet this Spring0

    Yes, it is still officially winter for a few more weeks, but now is a good time to start thinking about this year’s spring clean. Whether you want to do a complete household overhaul or just that one junk drawer, you should also include some sort of closet clean-out. Even a light cleanse can help

  • Billtown Blues Audition Concert to be Held Saturday, March 230

    The time has come again for the Billtown Blues Association, BBA, to hold their 27th annual “Billtown Blues Challenge” Festival Audition Concert, where local and regional musicians compete for the coveted spot on the BBA festival stage performing along with confirmed national and international acts. The BBA Audition Concert is set for Saturday, March 23,

  • Women’s Month Feature: Judge Nancy Butts

    Women’s Month Feature: Judge Nancy Butts0

    The Lycoming County Court of Common Pleas deals with everything from felonies to family affairs, working with small children to senior citizens. The president judge of this important county institution is a very special woman, Judge Nancy Butts. Born and raised in Levittown, PA, Nancy Butts went to Lehigh University to study law, but also

  • 10 Tips for Making the Most of your Home Show Visit0

    Visiting a home show can be overwhelming. There’s so much to see and do that it’s hard to take it all in. How do you know you’re seeing the right exhibits or talking to the right people about your project? The West Branch Builders Home Show features 25,000 square feet of exhibits by over 160

  • Host a St. Patrick’s Day Party with Style

    Host a St. Patrick’s Day Party with Style0

    It may be a celebration in honor of a patron saint of Ireland, but you don’t have to be Irish to join the revelry that marks each St. Patrick’s Day. This year, gather some friends for a party that brings a bit of luck o’ the Irish to all. Perfect Party Menu It’s just not

  • Lenten Intentions0

    As odd as it may seem, I truly do look forward to Lent. Not only does it mean the beginning of Spring, but it’s also an ideal time for reflection, to double-down on New Year’s resolutions, to set new challenges, and to reconnect. For this Lenten season, I’ve decided to focus on my health and

  • Easy, On-Demand Dinners0

    Nearly everyone wishes for an extra hour or two in the day. When juggling evenings filled with homework, practices, games and last-minute art projects, even just 60 extra minutes could make the difference in finding time to whip up a dinner you can be proud of. While there’s no changing the fact that there are

  • WAHS Sophomore Selected to Perform with Carnegie Hall’s National Youth Orchestra of the US0

    At just 15 years old, Williamsport Area High School sophomore Michael Fisher is already a veteran to the music scene. For more than a decade, the teen violinist has risen to become a recognized musician. Now, this summer, he’ll unleash his talent across Europe alongside his peers as a member of Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Ruff Justice” by Laurien Berenson

    The Bookworm Sez: “Ruff Justice” by Laurien Berenson0

    The buckle on the collar is fastened tightly. It’s not foolproof, but it’s the best way you know to protect your dog. Add to that collar a leash with you at the other end, and Doggo isn’t going anywhere without you. But in “Ruff Justice,” the new whodunit by Laurien Berenson, a collar and a

  • A Tasty Take on Trendy Toast

    A Tasty Take on Trendy Toast0

    While many food trends come and go, some desired food traits seemingly never go out of style. For example, dishes that provide nutritional benefits will pretty much always be popular, along with types of foods that can be customized to match personalized preferences and tastes. Toast is a versatile option for nearly anyone seeking a