
Latest Issue

  • Fall Shopping0

    With end of summer sales and new arrivals hitting the stores all through autumn, it’s easy to get swept up in the novelty of trendy pieces and shiny new baubles. Tread carefully friends, the allure of deep summer discounts alongside the thrill of modern fall clothing can lead to buyer’s remorse and debt. I myself

  • You Can’t Judge a Book By Its Cover0

    Most people have heard of the saying, “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover.” Simply put, this means that one cannot form an accurate opinion of someone else based solely from what they see on the surface. In our daily lives this might mean giving people the benefit of the doubt and waiting more

  • The Memories of Them Will Never Fade

    The Memories of Them Will Never Fade0

    It was the late 80s. I was five. Fall was here and the nights were getting shorter. The smell of the air told me hunting season was near. That meant more weekends with two of my favorite people in the entire world. I was blessed with two sets of incredible grandparents, which you have heard

  • 164th Annual Bloomsburg Fair To Be Held September 20 to 280

    An exciting line-up of name musical acts highlights the 164th edition of the Bloomsburg Fair to be held from September 20 to 28. These acts include such Country-Western stalwarts as the Oak Ridge Boys and Toby Keith, as well as talented Gospel star, Amy Grant, with her opening act, We Are Messengers. The rock and roll

  • Live By Faith: Longing for Home0

    As the author of Hebrews 11 continues to write about the ancient heroes of the faith, he suddenly interrupts himself and pens these words: “All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners

  • This Week’s LION: 911 Memorial Ride Riders0

    I recently had the privilege of serving as a fire policeman for the Clinton Twp. Fire Company and helping line up the bikers who were participating in the 911 Memorial Ride held on September 11th. As early as 9:00 a.m., the riders began arriving, and during the day I enjoyed getting to chat a bit

  • How to Update Your Accessories for Fall0

    With Labor Day behind us and the official start of fall right around the corner, you may already have your cooler-weather clothes pressed and ready for the season, but what about your accessories? Just as you transition your wardrobe with the drop in temperature, you should also give your accessory drawer a changeover. This fall,

  • Live By Faith: Starting With the Impossible0

    The writer of Hebrews 11 introduces Sarah as our next hero of the faith. Her story is a very unusual one and is found in Genesis chapters 16 through 18. The summarized version of her story is this: Sarah was married to Abraham. God made a covenant with Abraham that he would be the father

  • It is Never Too Late to Follow Your Dreams0

    It is very common to get to a point in your life where you stop and realize you have no idea how you have gotten there — metaphorically speaking. I certainly know I have. You are ambitious and have a plan for your career, family, and life in general. It might happen slowly, or you

  • Thomas T. Taber Museum to Host a ‘Show-and-Tell’0

    Williamsport- The Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society will welcome everyone back to its first Coffee Hour since June with a ‘Show and Tell’. It will be held in the Community Room of the museum, on Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 10am. The program is free and open to the public.

  • 13th Balloonfest and So Much More To Be Held This Saturday0

    An appearance by a professional air show and air race team and a flying aerobatic show featuring “paramotors,” are among the new things that will highlight the 13th annual “Balloonfest, Air Show & So Much More” this Saturday, September 14th at the Lycoming County Fairgrounds in Hughesville, PA. The event is presented each year by

  • That Morning on 9-11

    That Morning on 9-110

    Eighteen years ago, I was a sophomore at Williamsport Area High School. I had not a care in the world. I was high on love with my highschool boyfriend (still am!) and just got my learners permit to drive — life was good. That morning of 9-11 was no different than any other morning. I