
Latest Issue

  • Music, Magic and Miracles with the Williamsport Flute Choir0

    Williamsport is fortunate to have such varied musical groups to help ring in the holidays. The Williamsport Flute Choir will present their holiday concerts at 2 pm on December 14 in the sanctuary of First United Methodist Church at 604 Market Street, Williamsport. The concert will feature the flute choir and several musical guests, vocalists,

  • Tis the Season

    Tis the Season0

    Growing up around this time of year, I always looked forward to two things. One was my momma’s Christmas cookies. It wasn’t Christmas morning without her peanut butter blossoms. She made four or five different kinds, but they were my favorites. She would deliver plates of cookies to our neighbors and made sure she got

  • Muncy First United Methodist Church Presents “Joy Has Dawned”0

    The Cantata Choir and Orchestra of First United Methodist Church, Muncy will present Lloyd Larson’s “Joy Has Dawned” on Sunday, December 15. As part of Muncy First United Methodist Church’s mission of “Celebrating Life Together in Chris t— Growing Deeper, Reaching Wider,” the 55-voice choir and 30-piece orchestra includes musicians from six area counties. With

  • Finding Your Life’s Purpose Part 10

    What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? What is my life’s purpose? I’ll admit, these are questions that have haunted me my entire life. Some people can go through life without thinking of these big questions and are blissfully happy. They are able to go to work, live each day without major

  • Promises Made, Promises Kept0

    As we continue the celebration of Advent, let’s take a moment to consider two very important promises that Jesus made to His disciples as He was preparing them for His sudden departure. See John 14. Jesus knew His disciples were going to be shocked by His suffering, death and burial. They assumed that Jesus was

  • Dog Licenses for 2020 Available From Lycoming County Treasurer0

    Pennsylvania 2020 dog licenses went on sale December 2, 2019. Dog owners who need to purchase 2020 dog licenses may do so at the Lycoming County Treasurer’s office located at 33 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701. “Licensing your dog is a quick and easy process and assures a safe return if your dog should

  • CBD Oil and Arthritis0

    Health-conscious consumers have no doubt encountered advertisements for CBD oil at some point in recent memory. Supplement stores, pharmacies and even gyms may promote CBD oil, prompting consumers to wonder just what CBD is and how it may or may not play a role in the treatment of certain conditions, including arthritis. According to the

  • Christmas Coloring Contest

    Christmas Coloring Contest0

    Here ye, Here ye! Gather ‘round the Christmas tree munchkin children as we have important things to discuss! I have no idea what a sugarplum is, but tell them to stop dancing in your head, because it is once again time for the Blaise Alexander Family Dealership Christmas Fun Coloring Contest in Webb Weekly! Creatures

  • Life is Like a Box of Chocolates0

    Forrest Gump was a novel written in 1986 by Winston Groom. The main character was a lovable man that stumbles and bumbles his way through life and history. The book, however, did not reach peak fame until July 6th, 1994, when the movie premiered starring actor Tom Hanks. Both book and movie are very quotable,

  • Holiday Hostess Gifts0

    From festive ugly-sweater parties to family gatherings, the holiday season is a time to be with your nearest and dearest — and that will likely take place at someone’s home. While a gift for your host isn’t a requirement, it is good-guest behavior that’s sure to land you on the ‘Nice List.’ In honor of

  • Uptown Music Collective Open House0

    On Saturday, December 7th, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Uptown Music Collective will be holding an Open House at the school’s facility located at 144 West Third Street in Downtown Williamsport. The facility features 8 private lesson suites, two classrooms, two ensemble rooms, a computer lab, a recording studio, video studio, and more.

  • A Chef’s Advice for Stress-Free Holiday Cooking

    A Chef’s Advice for Stress-Free Holiday Cooking0

    How many times have you heard someone say they’ve slaved away in the kitchen all day? Stress in the kitchen can easily arise for a variety of reasons, especially when you’re strapped for time and have a never-ending to-do list. As a survivor of Gordon Ramsay’s MasterChef competition, Caitlin Meade – a top 4 finalist