
Latest Issue

  • A Place to Belong0

    Many of us have been blessed to grow up in a culture where our faith is not just tolerated, it is still, to some extent, accepted and even respected. Our experience is far different than those who live in persecuted countries around the world. In those settings, when someone surrenders their life to Jesus Christ,

  • A More Sustainable Wardrobe0

    It’s hard to resist the ease and affordability of fast fashion brands like Old Navy, H&M, and Zara, or the convenience of picking up a few new and needed, cheap t-shirts from Target or Walmart. But, as we look into the next decade and the important role of people as stewards of the Earth, what

  • For the Love of Valentine’s

    For the Love of Valentine’s0

    Thursday nights usually consist of going over to the farm for dinner at Mom and Mark’s. Some nights it can be the funny farm. It depends on how wound up we all get! We all say it’s one of our favorite nights of the week because we get to be together. Washing dishes and looking

  • A Place to Believe0

    Do you have any needy people in your life? I’m not referring to people who are in need. You can be in need and not be needy. We all face times of need, and thankfully we have friends and family to lean on in those difficult seasons. The kind of people I’m referring to are

  • In the Middle0

    Well, it’s official, middle age sucks. At least, that is what a recent study by Dartmouth Economics professor, David Blanchflower found. In his study for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Blanchflower examined the relationship between well-being and age and found significant evidence that it was U-shaped. To better understand the relationship between age and

  • Local Strongman Takes Teen Division in White Plains0

    Having taken 2nd place in the Teen Division in PA’s Strongest Man last Fall, local strongman, Adam W. Grimes II, recently continued his success by taking 1st place in the in New York’s Strongest Man Teen Division. The contest was held on January 18th at the Westchester County Center in White Plains, New York. There

  • Combine Decadence With Refreshment This Valentine’s Day

    Combine Decadence With Refreshment This Valentine’s Day0

    Chocolate is often described as “decadent,” and rightfully so. Few foods can make people feel as if they’re being indulgent as well as chocolate. Perhaps that’s what makes chocolate such a great fit for Valentine’s Day. When giving that special someone some chocolate on February 14, you’re not just giving them something delicious, but also

  • Local Thrower on a Quest for Olympic Gold0

    Rachel Fatherly discovered throwing at a relatively early age because of her exceptional strength; starting in middle school. While she also played basketball, her early success in throwing is ultimately what led to her love of all things track and field. She was attracted to being the best and set her sights on a state

  • Uptown Music Collective Sells Out CAC

    Uptown Music Collective Sells Out CAC0

    On Saturday, January 25th, for the first time in its fourteen-year history of presenting student performances in the 2200 seat theater, the Uptown Music Collective sold out the Community Arts Center. The show was Captain Fantastic and The Piano Man: The Music of Elton John and Billy Joel. “We had seen the ticket sales rising,

  • Susquehanna Valley Shutterbugs Annual “Unrestricted” Photography Show and Reception0

    The Susquehanna Valley Shutterbugs have set the opening night reception for their 26th Annual “Unrestricted” Photography Show for Friday, February 7, 2020 at the Thomas Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society in Williamsport from 6 to 8 p.m. The public is invited to come and vote for their favorite photographs while enjoying wine,

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Apocalypse Any Day Now: Deep Underground with America’s Doomsday Preppers” by Tea Krulos

    The Bookworm Sez: “Apocalypse Any Day Now: Deep Underground with America’s Doomsday Preppers” by Tea Krulos0

    Three. Two. One. Boom, and the world still exists. There was no cataclysm, no complete grid failure, no total world anarchy – at least not yet, but are you prepared? You know – and as you’ll see in “Apocalypse Any Day Now” by Tea Krulos – anything can happen. Or not. For centuries, Doomsday stories

  • Black Jeans for Winter0

    As white jeans are to summer, so are black jeans to winter. Just as versatile as your classic blue denim, bold black jeans are a chicer, but just as functional, option during the colder months. Black jeans can be dressed up, down, and even worn to work. Depending on the fit, they can be layered