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  • Schatzi’s and Salsa & The Dinner We Couldn’t Wait For

    Schatzi’s and Salsa & The Dinner We Couldn’t Wait For0

    So last week was all about canning and harvesting all that goodness that comes our way during the warmer months. But, do you have a favorite that you can’t seem to can just so? Maybe it’s a favorite salsa, or relish? No matter how hard you try it’s just not like the jar you can

  • Trench Coats & Leather Jackets0

    Finally, the weather is starting to turn, and the smell of crisp autumn is in the morning breeze. One of my favorite things about fall is the return of outerwear; they don’t call it sweater weather for nothing. Unlike winter, when heavy coats are necessary, fall is the time to have fun with layers and

  • The Drift Toward Bondage0

    There is a cycle in human history that has been repeated again and again for thousands of years. It is a cycle that goes from freedom to bondage to freedom to bondage — and on and on and on. Free people, especially those who didn’t personally sacrifice to win their freedom, tend to become careless

  • Finding Motivation0

    Whether it is working out, washing the dishes, or just plain getting out of bed some days, all of us struggle to find motivation from time-to-time. According to Liz Huber, writer for the online business publication, “The Startup,” there are eight reasons we sometimes lack motivation. • Lack of a strong reason ‘Why.’ • An

  • Style File: Boho0

    Boho, short for bohemian, in its most recent mode, is a style that typifies a way of dressing inspired by the lifestyle of free spirits and hippies of the 1960s and 1970s. However, the true origins of the boho style and culture are widely debated. Many believe that it was established as a counterculture by

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Why We Swim” by Bonnie Tsui

    The Bookworm Sez: “Why We Swim” by Bonnie Tsui0

    One step, another, and a hop outward. Somersault once, kick back, arms up, and knife cleanly through the surface of the water like a sword through cake. Clean. Not a drop out of place in that dive, hardly a splash. So why did you do it? Says Bonnie Tsui in “Why We Swim,” there could

  • Harvest Time

    Harvest Time0

    It’s been a busy one around here. All the wonderful harvest foods are in full bloom, and it’s time to prep and save them for the colder months. There is nothing like opening a fresh jar of peaches in the dead of winter. Fresh corn in the freezer for things like Chicken Corn Soup and

  • Adaptive Leadership Styles0

    With the political climate heating up, coupled with the stress of being in the eighth or ninth month of a global pandemic, I thought I would break things up by circling back to the topic of leadership. In February of this year, I had written an article for Webb Weekly titled, “The World Needs More

  • The Bookworm Sez: “White Hot Light: Twenty-Five Years in Emergency Medicine” by Frank Huyler0

    You don’t want to talk about it. Sensitive topic, that’s it. Brings up memories you don’t care to examine, things you aren’t willing to confront in your mind. No, what’s done is done, there’s no going back, and you don’t want to talk about it. At least not until, as in the new book “White

  • Style File: Preppy0

    This article is the first in a series of “Style Files,” where I’ll break down common modes in fashion and dressing, from their origin to their evolution, and how they are seen and worn today. First up, preppy! The term “preppy” derives from private, university-preparatory schools, primarily in the northeastern part of the United States.

  • What a Year

    What a Year0

    As far as I’m concerned, I could go to sleep and wake up to the new year. 2021 never sounded so good. Now, the thought of skipping right through my favorite “-BER” months would make me sad. I live for these months and cooler weather, but I pray to God that the holidays will feel

  • There’s Way More Good Than Bad0

    When did it become acceptable, almost fashionable, to bash police officers? Not just verbally, in some instances, physically. From violent protesters to elected officials to news anchors, newspapers, and mega-corporations, brutally criticizing and denouncing the police is the hot new trend. Especially for folks that like to comment on issues they know nothing about or