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  • Potential Substitutes When You’re Missing an Ingredient

    Potential Substitutes When You’re Missing an Ingredient0

    When cooking or baking at home, few things can prove as frustrating as preparing a dish only to realize you’re missing a key item from the ingredients list. Such realizations often force cooks to stop what they’re doing and make emergency trips to a nearby grocery store. That can delay dinner time or make cooks

  • The Art of Forest Bathing0

    I recently wrote an article on the benefits of immersing oneself in nature. Specifically, in an area with an expansive vista. Numerous studies show that spending time outside, away from civilization, can produce benefits, including a greater sense of well-being and improved life satisfaction. Time spent in nature has also been shown to improve overall

  • Of Kings and Presidents0

    Due to the nature of writing for a weekly publication, I submit articles five days before they land on your doorstep. You’re reading this article after election day; I wrote it five days before. Regardless, I am fully confident in what I am about to write. Here are my predictions regarding what will happen on

  • Hello November

    Hello November0

    Nov-em-what!? Where did November come from? Wasn’t it just August, and I was complaining about the heat? November, I love you, though. I love all the leaves on the ground, the bare trees, chimneys with smoke coming from homes, and the outside air feeling like winter is right around the corner. Sorry, I am one

  • A Very Different Halloween0

    With the convergence of a full moon, a blue moon, daylight savings time, and, you know, the ongoing unprecedented pandemic, Halloween in 2020 is going to look and feel a bit different than in years past. Some communities are having trick-or-treating; others are still not certain. Halloween parades, costume parties, dances, and most certainly apple

  • Spooky Treats

    Spooky Treats0

    I can’t believe it’s the end of October already. Where does the time go? Before you know it, we will be decking those halls with boughs of holly! Of course, we can’t forget Thanksgiving. It’s one of my favorite holidays, but I’ll save that for November. This week is Halloween and my third favorite holiday.

  • The Bookworm Sez “Pet Nation: The Love Affair That Changed America” by Mark L. Cushing

    The Bookworm Sez “Pet Nation: The Love Affair That Changed America” by Mark L. Cushing0

    Great-grandpa would think you were crazy. In his day, dogs slept outside, maybe in the barn, or in a doghouse, if they had one. Cats caught their own dinner in the garage or shed. Neither animal came into the house for more than a minute, if that, and sleeping in bed with you? Never! So

  • Understanding Energy Requirements0

    With all of us spending more time in isolation and possibly consuming a higher than normal volume of food, I thought I would discuss energy requirements for maintaining a healthy weight. Carbohydrates, proteins, fat, and alcohol are all sources of energy. When these nutrients are consumed, digested, absorbed, and metabolized, the energy becomes available for

  • Freedom Under Sovereignty0

    By intention and design, we were created to live in freedom under the supreme authority of Almighty God. As such, freedom is only possible as we acknowledge God’s existence and fully yield to His authority. Rejection of God’s existence or of His sovereignty results in bondage. The Word of God, the annals of human history,

  • An Outside-the-Box, DIY Halloween Costume Combination

    An Outside-the-Box, DIY Halloween Costume Combination0

    Even though Halloween may look a little different this year for many families, there are still ways to make the most of popular seasonal traditions, like costumes, spooky decor and festive treats. Rather than venturing out to look for a costume, get creative at home with everyday craft supplies and delivery boxes to make unique,

  • Pumpkin Patch

    Pumpkin Patch0

    During this time of year, I really think about the fun times we had with my grandparents. I was so blessed to have two sets of amazing grandparents. Both were wanting to do fun things with us and spoil us. I have memories on both sides that I could write about for days, but today

  • The History of Halloween Costumes0

    It is believed the earliest mention of wearing a costume at Halloween dates back to 1585 in Scotland; however, the practice was most likely common place before then. The tradition of costumes originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. Wearing costumes on