
Latest Issue

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Better Luck Next Time” by Julia Claiborne Johnson

    The Bookworm Sez: “Better Luck Next Time” by Julia Claiborne Johnson0

    It’s always a roll of the dice. You meet someone, hit it off, hang out sometime, and it’s a win or a lose. You either continue and see how it goes, or you can ask for more cards or put your chips elsewhere. No matter who you are, relationships are a gamble but in the

  • Spaghetti Nights0

    Monday nights are usually my nights to make a nice dinner. Whether it be a roast and mashed potatoes, chicken carbonara, or some kind of Italian meal, it’s the day where I work on laundry all day, get some chores done, and focus on that Monday night dinner to start a new school and workweek.

  • Rare Voodoo Lily on Display at the Taber Museum

    Rare Voodoo Lily on Display at the Taber Museum0

    With its usual display of model trains, Native American artifacts, and materials relating to the logging boom of the 19th century, the Taber Museum is offering a unique display for the connoisseur of smell — the Voodoo Lily. Many of our members and the community at large may remember the sensation caused when we placed

  • Vehicle Maintenance Tasks Drivers Don’t Want to Overlook

    Vehicle Maintenance Tasks Drivers Don’t Want to Overlook0

    Savvy drivers recognize that maintenance is essential to keeping their vehicles running strong for years on end. Such maintenance ensures vehicles are safe to take out on the road, and basic upkeep also protects drivers’ financial investments in their cars and trucks. Drivers who are not mechanically inclined tend to put their vehicles in the

  • Signs Transmission Fluid is Low0

    Vehicles require all sorts of maintenance to operate safely and efficiently. Contrary to popular belief, motorists need not be amateur mechanics to keep their vehicles running strong. Major vehicle repairs are best left to the professionals, but drivers can learn to identify the causes of relatively minor issues that, if left untreated, can cause significant

  • How to Lower the Cost of Auto Insurance0

    Auto insurance is a must-have for drivers. While it might seem hard to believe, as of 2019 there are still some places in the United States where auto insurance is not mandatory. Auto insurance is mandatory in Canada, though each province has its own requirements in terms of the minimum amount of coverage allowable by

  • Sweet Corn

    Sweet Corn0

    Next to the fresh tomato, sweet corn is something I look forward to growing every summer! I started planting Bodacious sweet corn about ten years ago. Bodacious sweet corn is a very sweet, sugary style corn that can be grown in a backyard or in garden pots. I have tried several different varieties, but my

  • How do You Like Your Veggies?

    How do You Like Your Veggies?0

    OK, so I’ll be the first to admit that this wasn’t always a hot subject for me. French Fries were my choice in a veggie: that or a side salad with ranch. I always made up for the healthy foods with fruit, so it never bothered me. Once I started to change my way of

  • The Bookworm Sez: “In Case You Get Hit by a Bus: How to Organize Your Life Now for When You’re Not Around Later” by Abby Schneiderman and Adam Seifer with Gene Newman

    The Bookworm Sez: “In Case You Get Hit by a Bus: How to Organize Your Life Now for When You’re Not Around Later” by Abby Schneiderman and Adam Seifer with Gene Newman0

    It’d be just your luck. You’re outside, enjoying a nice sunny day and, like Wile E. Coyote, a piano falls on your head. Or a car crashes through the wall, onto your bed. Or tree-climbing wasn’t such a good idea. Stuff happens, and “In Case You Get Hit by a Bus” by Abby Schneiderman and

  • Spring Cleaning Hacks0

    Fingers crossed, the warmer weather is here to stay and, with the switch to Daylight Savings Time, spring is in the air. With this change of season comes the long-held tradition of spring cleaning. Deep cleaning some of the hidden, hardworking parts of your home might be a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do

  • Potential Cost-Benefit of Growing Your Own Produce.0

    If you have been to the grocery store lately, you may have noticed the price of vegetables. I have done some research, and I now realize how much money can be saved just by planting a few of your own vegetables. The initial investment is pennies compared to the savings. You also have the satisfaction

  • Five Food Tips for Weight Loss0

    Most people wouldn’t mind trimming a few pounds; certainly not after being stuck inside during a global pandemic for the last year or so. I for one have gained and lost the “Covid 15” more than once and am set on keeping the weight off. As I organized my research for this week’s column, I