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  • You Lean Where You Look

    You Lean Where You Look0

    Having always admired strength, I took up competitive powerlifting at the age of fifteen as I have mentioned in previous articles. I went on to compete for approximately 15 years and actually worked my way up to national level competition before retiring at age 30. During my years as a competitive lifter, I learned many

  • Community Woodshop Honors Local Veteran0

    On Saturday, May 8th, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Williamsport Community Woodshop Veterans Program, located in the Pajama Factory, will be honoring Army veteran Donald Koons for his courageous military service and will also be helping him celebrate his 100th birthday. The Veterans Program (a project of Factory Works, a 501(c) 3 non-profit

  • Beyond Abs0

    In recent decades, core training has been the subject of countless articles and books. Often prescribed by physical therapists to patients with low back pain, core training is now commonly practiced by athletes and non-athletes alike with the desire to improve physical fitness as well as sports performance. Though most everyone has heard of the

  • The Leadership Challenge0

    I recently looked through some books that I had not read in quite a while and came across The Leadership Challenge, written by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. Though I am not particularly into reading books on leadership, this is one of the better ones that I have come across and would recommend reading to

  • Life After COVID0

    There is an expectation that the COVID-19 pandemic will negatively affect every aspect of society but, based on other 20th century pandemics, that may not actually be the case. Previous pandemics, including the 1918 Spanish Flu, which killed approximately 50 million people worldwide, have been the catalysts for positive change in everything from urban planning

  • How Happy is the U.S?0

    Well, the 2020 World Happiness Report is out, and though the rankings aren’t really surprising, the reasons for them may be. However, what was not surprising was that the data showed that stress and depression increased significantly in 2020. The data also showed that overall life evaluations and happiness rankings were consistent and that the


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