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  • Is Cold Training Right for You?0

    ? Cold training it the middle of Summer? Yes, you read that correctly. While most people are thinking about getting a tan or counting the days back to normalcy, a hardy few utilize the ancient method of cold training to invigorate the body, mind, and spirit. The idea of using cold temperatures to improve health

  • City Police K9 Program in Full Swing

    City Police K9 Program in Full Swing0

    Due to the generous donations, the largest of which was $43,000 made by Greg Ciocca on behalf of Ciocca Toyota dealerships, the first K9 unit in many years has been working the streets of Williamsport. The generous donation enabled the Williamsport Bureau of Police (WBP) to send Police Officer Tyson Minier and his four-legged partner,

  • Health Ministries Combine Spiritual and Physical Healing0

    Now, more than ever before, Americans are dying from largely lifestyle-related illnesses. These health issues may be prevented or better treated if they had been addressed earlier. So why, in a country that spends more on healthcare per capita than any other nation in the world, are such health issues on the rise? The answer

  • How to Fight Weight Gain During a Pandemic0

    Many people in recent months have had some amount of weight gain related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This weight gain is sometimes referred to as the “Quarantine 15”. For most people, the pandemic has interrupted eating and exercise patterns, making the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle more difficult. Specific challenges may include stress eating, having

  • Williamsport Historically Important to Fitness Industry0

    Every person that has ever seen the inside of a weight room, fitness center, or garage gym knows what an EZ curl bar is. They have been used since the 1940s as a way to alleviate wrist and elbow pain, yet still allowing for the kind of muscular arm development that makes Hercules envious. But

  • Truly Functional Strength0

    By Dave Bellomo In the mid-1990s, my wife and I were living in North Carolina. I was in my early twenties at the time and was making great progress in my own strength training — competing in powerlifting contests of various levels regularly. During this time, I found myself interested in the Highland Games, which


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