
Latest Issue

  • The Roving Sportsman… Patterning Your Shotgun0

    Recently, I wrote about the wisdom of taking the time to pattern your shotgun – now let’s look at a few factors in actually making sure your trusty old shotgun is really shooting as it should be. This is not difficult, it does not have to be time consuming and by patterning your gun you

  • McGarvey and the Warriors0

    Props to Coach Mike McGarvey and the Lycoming College hoopsters. The Warriors just did the unthinkable by winning the 2020 Middle Atlantic Conference Championship. This was a total shocker as my boys literally came out of nowhere. McGarvey’s squad was picked to finish last in all of the preseason polls. Kudos to the other MAC

  • You Can’t Do That0

    If you attended a high school basketball game during the recently completed season, you most likely would have heard student cheering sections erupt with the phrase ‘you can’t do that’ when an opposing player violated the playing rules. Nothing malicious, it was just a fun-loving jab letting an opponent know he/she messed up. Sports, whether

  • You Saw What? Where?

    You Saw What? Where?0

    Like a lot of people here in rural Pennsylvania, I’m always interested in seeing wildlife, not just when I’m hunting or fishing, but anytime I’m out and about. Sometimes, however, it’s not just about seeing wildlife but where you saw it. Let me explain. I was at my “branch office” (Dunkin in Muncy) the other

  • The Roving Sportsman… Patience and Persistence0

    If you were to ask most turkey hunters “What two things are responsible for the killing of most wild turkeys?” the typical response would no doubt be “Humans and coyotes.” If you asked most frequently successful turkey hunters “What are the two factors most often responsible for the killing of wild turkeys?” the well thought

  • Girls’ Night Out

    Girls’ Night Out0

    For a young group of middle school athletes, the opportunity to see a Division One team play is exciting in its own right. Add to that, sitting courtside and looking across the gym to see one of the most prolific scorers and, arguably one of the best ever from Pennsylvania and Penn State University women’s

  • The Knights of the Hardwood

    The Knights of the Hardwood0

    I’m sitting in the second row of the SJNRA bus with Mark Roman. The 20-4 Golden Knights are en route to Danville to play in the Single-A Boys District IV Championship. Mark is a great kid who doesn’t say a whole lot. Young Roman recently taught me how to synchronize my new Bluetooth earbuds. I

  • $$$$$ – Ball0

    As Major League Baseball teams continue their Spring Training preparations in Florida and Arizona much of the media and fan buzz continues to be centered on the sign-stealing cheating shenanigans of the Houston Astros in seasons past. For how long and how severe the negative reaction will last is anyone’s guess, but with the regular

  • Late Season Rabbit Hunt

    Late Season Rabbit Hunt0

    While thoughts of spring activities are slowly beginning to creep into my mind I couldn’t turn down the opportunity to hunt rabbits when George Burgett called me last week. A late season rabbit hunt is something we’ve been doing for quite a few years now with varying degrees of success but this year proved to

  • The Roving Sportsman… Pattern That Shotgun!0

    Imagine that your son or daughter has shown enough interest in hunting for deer this coming fall that they have completed the required hunter education program and have shown interest in going to the range with you to really learn how to safely handle a firearm. You take the time to spend several weekends doing

  • The Yellow Perch

    The Yellow Perch1

    When it comes to fishing, the yellow perch doesn’t seem to get much attention; it’s probably not the most talked-about species, and it certainly doesn’t get a lot of attention in the written form either. While it doesn’t get a lot of attention, it is a frequently caught fish and, in some cases, one of

  • Apologies0

    It wasn’t a big deal, and at the time, and its action didn’t receive much national attention in the baseball world. Yet, that December 1, 2017 decision by the Houston Astros to non-tendered pitcher Mike Fiers, making him a free agent, may long live as a significant footnote in baseball history as the beginning of