
Latest Issue

  • The Roving Sportsman… That’s No Chickadee…!

    The Roving Sportsman… That’s No Chickadee…!0

    I don’t know about you, but I am really, really ready for spring to arrive. Daytime temperatures seem to be running 10-12 degrees below normal almost every day, and yes, there were those couple of days that hit temperatures in the 70s, but generally it sure doesn’t seem like spring is upon us. There are,

  • Kayaking during COVID-19.0

    Before I begin this week’s column- I need to pay a little homage to my friends at the Webb Weekly. I recently received a notification on LIKEDIN saying I have been scribing part-time for the past fifteen years. I must say that I am very proud and grateful to be associated with this organization. Look.

  • Drop the Mic0

    The announcement was not a surprise. Most folks were hoping against hope that it wouldn’t come. But Little League International President & CEO Steve Keener’s April 30 pronouncement that this year’s World Series and related regional tournaments would not be played will leave a huge void not only in our community but around the world.

  • No LLWS. But There’s Golf0

    I finally got the call from the bullpen kids. Heading back to work tomorrow morning. I really enjoyed my time away. Taught school, played some hoops and fished every single day. 41 straight. My little sidekick took the news rather hard. Jensen has been my best buddy throughout it all. I am going to miss

  • Mom’s Day0

    Thankfully, one of the celebrations enjoyed by Americans that has not been postponed or canceled by the ongoing pandemic — Mother’s Day — will be celebrated this Sunday. While the observance commemorating the one individual, all of us have in common, may be a bit different than in recent years, it nevertheless will take place.

  • Spring Crappie Fishing

    Spring Crappie Fishing0

    Spring is here, at least I think it is, you wouldn’t know it was spring based on the weather since that white stuff keeps showing up. Of course, with spring comes trout fishing and spring gobbler hunting, but it’s also one of the best times to pursue some great panfishing and, more specifically, crappie fishing.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Gobbler Down – The Next Step0

    The Pennsylvania spring gobbler season is in full swing, and preseason scouting would indicate that this should be a really good year to bag one of nature’s greatest game birds. Before you head to the woods, there are a few things you should give some thought to. The majority of those who get up every

  • Virtuality0

    While watching a recent TV show, the near irrelevancy of the once-popular encyclopedias was a subject of discussion. In today’s fast-paced technology-driven world with information available at the touch of a finger or voice command, it is easily understood how those once familiar door-to-door knowledge salesmen are now a thing of the past. To a

  • Mass Hysteria, I Learned How to Fly Fish

    Mass Hysteria, I Learned How to Fly Fish0

    Fishing has always been a passion, and I continue to take full advantage. I have been on the water an awful lot, especially during this crisis — 31 straight days and counting. I am an essential life-sustaining employee on my favorite stream. Jensen now tags along after his online sessions. The local authorities continue to

  • Going for the Gold0

    As we all know trout season got an early surprise start and in spite of less than ideal weather and water conditions a fair number of trout fishermen are in pursuit of Pennsylvania’s trout species. I usually hit the special regulated trout stretches early but this year with the early opening we have a lot

  • The Roving Sportsman…0

    Using Time Wisely The corona virus pandemic, along with all of its resultant restrictions and behavioral guidelines, doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. As the Federal, State and local governmental agencies scramble to come up with a vaccine and control the current spread of the virus, we, as individuals, can do little

  • Delayed Harvest0

    Jensen and I have been working on a project. We have until Friday, and it is part of his new online learning. He was asked to write a short story on a recent adventure. Well done, WASD. Here’s a preview. “The water was calm but cold. Thankfully, I was wearing my new waders to keep