
Latest Issue

  • New Digs in Muncy0

    Now that the traffic signal flickering above Lycoming County is operating under Governor Wolf’s green light much of the population will be out & about much more enjoying both the ‘new normal’ and the most welcomed warmer weather. Should you decide to hop in the car and take a drive; here’s is a destination you

  • Play Ball?0

    ? With Lycoming County going green, many area Little Leagues are now scrambling. I mentioned to you a few weeks back that everything was at a complete standstill. Little League International had just pulled the plug on the 2020 World Series, and the future was unknown. Unprecedented territory for Williamsport’s favorite pastime. There have been

  • The Roving Sportsman… Create a Memory for Father’s Day1

    You can go to your local outdoor store and come up with numerous gift ideas for Dad on His Day. You can go online and find hundreds of great gift ideas to make His Day a little brighter. And, you can browse through the many catalogs you or he receives in the mail to come

  • “Social Distancing” and Fishing0

    That term “social distancing” seems to be getting a lot of attention these days; maybe another term is the “six-foot rule”. Apparently if you stay six feet away everything is ok but closer than that and you will make people sick or infringe or violate them in some way. You go into some stores now

  • Fishing and Fertilizer?0

    ? You are probably wondering, what on earth does going fishing have to do with fertilizer? Well, nothing but it’s what you do with the fish scraps if you keep some fish for the frying pan that can have a lot to do with fertilizing your garden. I’ll be honest, I’m very limited as to

  • The Roving Sportsman… Habitat Improvement: Eradicate the Invasives0

    Pennsylvania’s spring gobbler season wrapped up last Saturday, with mixed reports of success and frustration. Most hunters seemed to have encountered gobblers that did not want to sound off, but instead would come to the call silently, if at all. But spring gobbler hunters are a resilient bunch, and most are already making plans for

  • Life’s Little Things0

    The past few months have been like nothing we’ve seen All caused by an unwelcomed intruder – COVID-19 Its presence has brought with it misery and woe The Governors now tells us where we can go Families have been affected; jobs have been lost There’s really no telling what this will all cost Once only

  • The Lycoming Creek Anglers

    The Lycoming Creek Anglers1

    Jensen and I are always looking for an outdoor adventure. This past weekend we headed north for something new and exciting. It was a gorgeous morning outside of Bodines, PA. My 11-year-old agreed to unplug his FORTNITE for a small fee. We met up with a few friends along Slack’s Run Road. Mike and Gavin

  • Lycoming College Looking Ahead to Re-Opening0

    As colleges and universities across the country scramble with their game plans as to how they will go-about educating their students and re-establishing some sort of normalcy on their campuses this fall, Lycoming College has announced their intentions to conduct a ‘full residential campus opening’ when classes resume. Inquiring as to how that plan will

  • The First and Last Dance

    The First and Last Dance0

    My apologies for missing last week’s edition. Thanks to everyone who reminded me. I am finally back to work after a six-week hiatus. We are totally slammed, and I guess it’s a good problem to have. Personally. I liked it better when I was a stay at home dad. My wallet was flush and had

  • What Price to Pay?0

    ? Of late there have not been too many days that have gone by without an announcement being made cancelling or postponing some event or activity that folks had been anticipating. Well, you can get out your marker and get ready to cross another off the calendar soon — perhaps that determination even arrived before

  • The Roving Sportsman… It’s Crunch Time!0

    Whether you are seeking to fill your second spring gobbler tag, or you are still looking to connect with the first bird, there is still time to use some late season tactics to get the job done. You have until close of season on Saturday, May 30 to seal the deal and all-day hunting is