
Latest Issue

  • Go “Bug a Bass”0

    I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I enjoy bass fishing. Like a lot of other dedicated bass fishermen, I too have my fair share of assorted rods, reels, and lures that I regularly employ on my bass outings. Many serious bass fishermen use different outfits and lures to address the many different situations

  • The Roving Sportsman… “Chicken of the Sea”0

    From as early as I can remember, my Mom would often serve the family tuna salad, and frequently tuna noodle casserole. They were not expensive meals to prepare, nor were they too time consuming to make. Until recently, I have continued to enjoy both of these meals using tuna fish as the main ingredient –

  • The Invasive Northern Snakehead0

    The Northern Snakehead; another story about snakes again this week? No, the Northern Snakehead isn’t a snake- it’s a fish. First, let’s look at a little biology regarding the snakehead. The Northern Snakehead isn’t native to the United States; therefore, it is considered an invasive species. It’s a freshwater fish that can reach lengths of

  • Two Sides Stubborn0

    Two of summer’s ‘old wives’ tales’ proclaim ‘the corn is knee-high by the Fourth of July’ and ‘the MLB teams in first place on the nation’s birthday will be there at the end of the season.’ The corn may make it, but you can forget the other. After all too many months of haggling, MLB

  • The Roving Sportsman… Beware of the Grim Reaper!0

    For all of us who enjoy the out of doors and watching nature at its best, springtime and early summer are wonderful seasons to observe some of the greatest moments in the world of wildlife. It is the time of year when all manners of birds and mammals give birth and nurture their young —

  • Alphabet Soup0

    One hundred five years ago, in 1915, the Campbell Soup Company began marketing their famous Alphabet Soup. For decades that followed kids ate their soup while at the same time spelling their name with the letter-shaped noodles contained within. Today those fun, friendly letters can only be found in Campbell’s Vegetarian Vegetable. About twenty years

  • Save the Benders

    Save the Benders0

    A long time ago in a galaxy far far away. I was introduced to part-time scribing. Back then, I was asked to provide some copy on behalf of White Deer Golf Course, and our relationship began. English and grammar were two of my least favorite subjects, and it took quite a while to come around.

  • My Creepy, Crawly Yard

    My Creepy, Crawly Yard0

    I think summer is finally here and with the warmer temperatures we are also faced with frequent grass mowing and in my case plenty of weeds, but it is also the season for surprise visits by a number of different creeping, crawling and slithering critters. For example, last week I looked out front and noticed

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Healthy Respect for Timber Rattlers0

    Having grown up in Lycoming County and having spent most of the years of my life roaming its hills and streams, I have had the opportunity to witness many of the wonders that Mother Nature offers. From the blooming of trilliums and later Indian pipes in the springtime, to the birth of fawns and grouse

  • Dad’s Day0

    With no statistical facts to uphold my suspicions, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn the television ratings for ‘The Game Show Network’ have spiked dramatically during the past several months. With families sequestered in their homes and most competitive sports programming limited to reruns of games played years ago, those whimsical shows at

  • The Roving Sportsman… Trees for Habitat Improvement0

    EXISTING TREES: As a starting point, you should do a survey that identifies the trees currently on your property that provide feed for wildlife, such as oaks, beech, black cherry, walnut, butternut, hickory, chestnut and old apple trees. Also note the existence and location of evergreens that provide cover for wildlife. Use this data to

  • Fishing – What’s Your Specialty?

    Fishing – What’s Your Specialty?0

    I was talking with a bunch of guys the other day and the topic of fishing came up-now that probably surprises you. We were talking about catching a variety of different fish when somebody asked me about which species and what equipment I specialized in when fishing. I had to think about that for a