
Latest Issue

  • Accessing Rivers During Low Water Periods0

    It’s no secret that at least this part of the state is suffering from some of the lowest water levels in rivers and streams in a long time. Fishing medium and small streams is difficult, and fishing for trout during this hot, dry period is not recommended due to the harm it would do even

  • All Fore Folds Charity Golf Tournament To Be Held September 180

    There are many various charity golf tournaments that are held all over. But one area charity golf tournament is connected with a group that honors and aids our deceased and wounded veterans as the “Folds of Honor” Golf Tournament to be held on September 18 at Wynding Brook Golf Club in Milton. Chad Anthony is

  • The Roving Sportsman… Gun Ownership Today0

    Today’s gun owners vary widely in their interests in firearms. Some are collectors, admiring the workmanship and artistry of a finely engraved piece that is enhanced with a beautifully grained wooden stock. Some are hunters, looking for a working tool that will aid in their quest for all kinds of wild game and birds. Yet

  • Tips for Planting Fall Vegetables0

    Tending to backyard vegetable gardens can fill many hours of enjoyable downtime in the great outdoors. What’s more, the bounty produced by such gardens provides healthy, fresh foods to gardeners and their loved ones. Although spring and summer are widely seen as the peak of gardening season, the mild temperatures of autumn can be a

  • Some August 23 Good News0

    On the day our treasured Bowman Field was to be filled with happy Little Leaguers and excited fans about to witness the fourth annual MLB/Little League Classic game between the Boston Red Sox and the Baltimore Orioles, the revered city landmark on West Fourth Street stood silent. The same condition existed at LLB’s Lamade and

  • Praising Smallies0

    Fishing has always been a passion, and I continue to take full advantage of what North Central PA has to offer. I am on the water an awful lot and usually head out after dinner. I haven’t had the chance of late. Teach and the kid are back in school, and work is getting in

  • The Hunting Seasons are Upon Us0

    It’s probably safe to say that most of us outdoor types have not given much thought to the upcoming hunting seasons, especially in light of the hot, dry weather that has engulfed us over the past month. But ready or not, the hunting seasons are about to begin. It’s also that time of year that

  • Missing Little League: Disappointed… but Optimistic0

    It was great catching up with my good friend Steve Keener recently. My intention was to ask him some questions for my column this week. Our conversation covered everything from family to baseball, to how blessed we are to call the West Branch Valley our home. Of course, most of our chat was about everything

  • Uncle’s Reflections0

    In our ongoing world of “won’t be’s” we are ever aware that there won’t be motorcycles rumbling across Lycoming County commemorating the lives lost on 9/11; no mummers marching through the streets of South Williamsport this Halloween, nor a championship Little League game played at Lamade Stadium this Sunday. However, there are a whole lot

  • Summer Coyote Hunting0

    With midday temperatures rising into the high 80s and low 90s and unpleasant humidity to match, the best way to cool off the house at night with some fresh air is to sleep with the windows open. In doing so, you might find yourself being awakened in the middle of the night by the barking,

  • Strange grouse behavior

    Strange grouse behavior0

    I enjoy a good grouse hunt once in a while, especially with a good grouse dog telling me where the bird is before suddenly flushing when I least expect it. After all, that’s what hunters are used to seeing when roaming the grouse woods — birds that spook easily and make a sudden flushing bolt

  • Who Makes the Call?0

    My perspective has no bearing, but many folks have reached out and asked. I am a part-time scribe who coaches high school basketball. PERIOD. And I have been back and forth on this issue for several weeks now. The Patriot League — Bucknell — postponed ALL FALL sports back in July. The PSAC — Bloomsburg,