
Latest Issue

  • The Roving Sportsman… “Vicki the Vulture”0

    Perhaps Forrest Gump said it best when he stated that “Life is like a box of chocolates — you never know just what you’ll get!” At least, that is what came to mind when I first saw “Vicki.” Over the years, I have often seen turkey vultures coursing overhead a cabin on the hill behind

  • “Urban Wildlife”

    “Urban Wildlife”0

    A few weeks back, I wrote a piece about some of the wild critters that walk, crawl, and slither through my backyard. Such sightings are not at all unusual, especially for those of us who live in the country surrounded by fields, hedgerows, and forests. Of course, Deer are frequent visitors, but bears, turkeys, coyotes,

  • Horseshoe Pitching3

    In between hot dogs, hamburgers, and the other goodies comprising a Fourth of July picnic fare, the competitive sound of cheering and laughter surrounded afternoon-long games of what today is called ‘corn hole.’ As the light colorful bags were tossed back and forth aimed at the target holes, a thought hit me wondering if our

  • It’s Always Fishing Season

    It’s Always Fishing Season0

    This recent hot streak and lack of rain have put the damper on some fishing efforts; trout streams are very low, clear, and warm, making them less than ideal targets right now. Several people have commented to me that it’s too hot and muggy to do any kind of fishing — not so! Remember, I’m

  • The Roving Sportsman – Make Your Plans for Fall Hunting0

    Now that the 2020-2021 hunting season licenses are available for purchase, it’s a good time to review the Hunting and Trapping Digest and become familiar with new regulations and the upcoming seasons and bag limits. Reminder — if you have not yet done so, you can still submit an application for an antlerless deer license

  • Pine Creek?

    Pine Creek?0

    The Spencers just got back from their summer vacation. We decided to play it safe this year because of COVID. Teach, Jensen, and I normally meet up with my rents somewhere exotic. Grandpa Jim usually picks up the tab. The original plan was to spend a week in the Black Hills of South Dakota. My

  • Go “Bug a Bass”0

    I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I enjoy bass fishing. Like a lot of other dedicated bass fishermen, I too have my fair share of assorted rods, reels, and lures that I regularly employ on my bass outings. Many serious bass fishermen use different outfits and lures to address the many different situations

  • The Roving Sportsman… “Chicken of the Sea”0

    From as early as I can remember, my Mom would often serve the family tuna salad, and frequently tuna noodle casserole. They were not expensive meals to prepare, nor were they too time consuming to make. Until recently, I have continued to enjoy both of these meals using tuna fish as the main ingredient –

  • City League Celebrates 100th Year0

    Most everyone is familiar with the legacy of Carl Stotz and his dream. What began in 1939 as a place for his nephews to play organized baseball turned in to what is now Little League Baseball, the world’s largest youth program. But even in its 81st year, Little League is not the elder in the

  • Two Sides Stubborn0

    Two of summer’s ‘old wives’ tales’ proclaim ‘the corn is knee-high by the Fourth of July’ and ‘the MLB teams in first place on the nation’s birthday will be there at the end of the season.’ The corn may make it, but you can forget the other. After all too many months of haggling, MLB

  • The Roving Sportsman… Beware of the Grim Reaper!0

    For all of us who enjoy the out of doors and watching nature at its best, springtime and early summer are wonderful seasons to observe some of the greatest moments in the world of wildlife. It is the time of year when all manners of birds and mammals give birth and nurture their young —

  • The Invasive Northern Snakehead0

    The Northern Snakehead; another story about snakes again this week? No, the Northern Snakehead isn’t a snake- it’s a fish. First, let’s look at a little biology regarding the snakehead. The Northern Snakehead isn’t native to the United States; therefore, it is considered an invasive species. It’s a freshwater fish that can reach lengths of