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The Roving Sportsman… Help With Your Management Plan

Creating a management plan for your property is the first step in optimizing the habitat on your land. Having put down on paper a list of your property’s inventory, a list of the end goals for the work you will do and some of your ideas as to how you can accomplish your objectives, it is now time to take the next step – reviewing and refining your thoughts with “the experts!”

The great news is that the sources for help are numerous and excellent. There are conservation groups and government agencies that can provide expertise in fine-tuning your plan. There are also tons of books, magazine articles, videos and DVD’s that will guide you in your planning and execution.

The NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation) is very active in our area, as is the QDMA (Quality Deer Management Association), which has recently been enlarged and renamed the NDA (National Deer Association). Both of these organizations are not just focused on the species they were founded to promote but have a multi-faceted mission which includes habitat improvement. In this realm, they have many publications as well as personnel available to help direct you in the proper development of your plan and its execution. Keep in mind that no matter what you do to better the food sources or cover for one specie will most often benefit numerous other species as well. Most conservation organizations have their own biologist on staff, and it is often possible for them to visit your property and help outline what can be accomplished and how to accomplish it.

There are numerous government agencies offering different programs that will assist a landowner in developing and executing a plan and may provide financial assistance as well. Two programs that come to mind are the CREP (Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program) and EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentive Program) programs. The CREP program can cover some of the initial costs of development and a possible yearly rental fee for acreage that is taken out of active production. The goal is to reduce erosion that may occur when actively farming such ground, and the program is generally offered on a 10- or 15-year contract. EQIP has been established to provide financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers to help plan and implement conservation practices that address natural resource concerns and provide opportunities to improve water, soil, plant, and animal and air resources on agricultural land.

Whether your goals are to create some immediate income through a timber harvest or improve the long-term value of your timber stand, or you want to add to the current cover available for wildlife use or you are thinking about adding to the food sources for deer, turkeys or grouse by planting soft and hard mast producing trees and establishing food plots, there is a great deal of expert advice at your fingertips — and it is just for the asking.

If you are seeking information on programs that currently exist in Lycoming County to enhance your land or are looking for information on how both state and federally funded government programs work within the county, the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) agencies that will be able to help are the FSA (Farm Service Agency), NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service) and Rural Development. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and the Lycoming County Conservation District will also be able to provide advice, as well as the Penn State Cooperative Extension and Penn State Master Gardeners.

Finally, there is the internet. YouTube has hours upon hours of videos on habitat improvement ideas within depth instructions on how to accomplish whatever your goals may be.

Developing your own Management Plan is not a mere overnight process. But, if you begin by writing your thoughts down on paper and then seek the advice of the experts, you will be well on your way to a solid plan for your property and the wildlife that frequents it.

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