
Latest Issue

  • Happy Fall Y’all

    Happy Fall Y’all0

    I appreciate all the love with regard to my “Unbelievable Fishing Story.” My phone has been ringing off the hook since last Tuesday. That muskie who inhaled my smallmouth bass has made me somewhat famous. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience, and I am extremely thankful that I came home with some

  • How to Field Dress Wild Game Properly and Safely0

    Fishing and hunting are popular outdoor activities. Many outdoor enthusiasts engage in angling or hunting so they can have trophies to put up on their walls. Others rely on hunting and fishing for supplemental food sources. Game animals will have to be cleaned and processed properly whether they’re headed to the dinner table or to

  • The Roving Sportsman… Archery Deer Season is Underway!0

    Those who enjoy the taste of squirrel pot pie were able to spend a few of the last days of summer in pursuit of squirrel throughout the state since September 12. While squirrel hunters tend to be a smaller, yet very dedicated group, those who have been awaiting the opening of archery deer hunting make

  • The Hunt for Fall Panfish

    The Hunt for Fall Panfish0

    I suppose it sounds a little bit odd to refer to a fishing outing for panfish as a “hunt,” but the bottom line is — you have to find out where the fish are before you can get on with the business of catching them. That is exactly how the scenario played out last week

  • An Unbelievable Fishing Story

    An Unbelievable Fishing Story1

    The other Sunday, I wanted to go fishing. The creeks needed some water, so I headed to the mighty Susquehanna. I stopped at Wegmans with my kayak strapped above. I grabbed a quick coffee and ran into a few chums. They asked where I was going, and I simply pointed to the Market Street Bridge.

  • It’s “Big Game Season”0

    Yes, I know, all the big game hunting seasons are upon us, but it’s also the season for another kind of big game hunting, or maybe I should say big game fishing; I’m talking bass and the pike family. While I plan to do my share of deer hunting, you can bet I will also

  • The Roving Sportsman… Hunting Pennsylvania Black Bear0

    The big game species that can be hunted in Pennsylvania are the elk, whitetail deer, black bear and wild turkeys. For the average hunter, the chance to get an elk in our state is quite remote because of the limited number of animals and the slim chance of ever being drawn. When you consider the

  • Broadcasting During A Pandemic0

    Friday Night Lights is back. Well. We are taking things one step at a time. Loyalsock and South sat out the first two, and I hear the boys in Canton are currently in the locker room. But all of our local squads should have participated in at least one game. I personally didn’t think we’d

  • The Gridiron & Softball0

    As I was preparing this week’s column, 9:31 a.m. unceremoniously passed by on the September 22 morning, bringing with it the fall equinox and the first day of autumn. As a big fan of summer, this annual occurrence has never been a cause for celebration for me, but this year is a bit different. After

  • Hunting Season is Upon Us!0

    I think that most folks these days would agree that it certainly has been a crazy year so far! In particular, the coronavirus has disrupted our usual routines and greatly affected our daily lives. With little exception, everyone has experienced some kind of negative reaction to this pandemic. But good things do await us in

  • Hunting Regulations – Old and New0

    With the archery hunting season about to get underway on October 3, I’ve been putting as much practice time in as possible with my compound; hopefully, the practice pays off. As we move into the fall hunting seasons, I also like to make it a point to review the Hunting and Trapping Digest that you

  • COVID Recess

    COVID Recess0

    It has been a rough couple of weeks. I am not going to lie. The world is stressed, and I definitely know why. Look, I am not here to point fingers. These are unchartered waters. My son and I are struggling. We are doing our best with this hybrid learning. He attends school two days