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  • Wintertime Wildlife Activity0

    Every year, throughout the fall months, Mother Nature takes care of all of her creatures as they prepare to weather through the upcoming winter months. It is pretty amazing the way some of these birds, animals and insects prepare for and adjust their daily routines in order to make it through the freezing temperatures that

  • An Ode to COVID0

    Probably the dumbest thing I did was try to get organized. I started with purchasing a 2020 planner. Dumb. The entire world has turned upside down. I am now telling my parents to stay indoors. But kudos to CORONA. It has done what no woman has been able to. She canceled sports, closed the bars

  • Rick Mahonski – Wrestling Great

    Rick Mahonski – Wrestling Great0

    Though Rick Mahonski’s older brothers, Bob and Bill, wrestled, he did not intend to become a wrestler. In fact, it wasn’t until a 7th-grade gym class with Coach Hank Green that Mahonski seriously considered it. “Coach Green had these unbelievably tall climbing ropes in class, and if you could get to the top, he basically

  • Try Something Different – A Coyote Hunt0

    I’d be the first to admit that I am not a dedicated coyote hunter; I have on a few occasions pursued coyotes both during the daylight and at night, but I had no success. My lack of success by no means reflects a lack of coyotes and quite the opposite, I suspect, since coyote populations

  • The Roving Sportsman… Winter Hikes0

    There are many benefits that can be derived from a hike in the woods, especially this time of year. The days are slowly getting longer, the daytime temperatures are forecast to be a bit above normal for the beginning of January and we can all use some fresh clean air that we can breathe without

  • Pittsburgh’s Bell Silenced0

    On the day before Christmas all through the house Things were being shut down, it felt like a louse The weather was pouring, snow melting away Sending cascades of water down my driveway Church services were cancelled, people stayed home If you did leave your house there was nowhere to roam Then came some sports

  • 2020 is Over. Thankfully.0

    Where to begin? Usually, I leave on a positive. But 2020 was a hard one. The story of the year was COVID. It has affected us all in many ways. I would say that it changed me personally. I no longer trust the media. I only read WEBB WEEKLY. I did enjoy my time with

  • What’s in a Name?0

    As this is my last Webb Weekly column for 2020, the most appropriate sendoff I can think of is — good riddance!!! Each year we have been blessed to receive many Christmas cards from friends and loved ones. While the welcomed tradition may not be as prominent as it once was, it is always nice

  • Changing Gears0

    Now that the regular firearms deer seasons are over, it’s time to start looking at some other outdoor ventures — more specifically, I’m talking about ice fishing. Sure, there are still some hunting opportunities that remain, like the late archery season, flintlock hunting for deer, and of course, some small game hunting, but if weather

  • The Roving Sportsman… Welcome 2021!0

    With just a few days remaining until we can put a lid on the Year 2020, we have so much to put behind us — and so much to look forward to! No matter which way you lean in politics, and without trying to open up a political debate, I believe everyone is very happy

  • Fishing with an Old Friend on Penns0

    We are extremely blessed to live in North Central Pennsylvania. It provides us with a number of terrific fishing opportunities. My lovely bride would say that I am somewhat possessed. BUT IT IS FREEZING. Believe it or not, this is my favorite time of year to fish. Although the days are short and there’s a

  • Sport’s Christmas Gifts0

    Regardless of your religious, or non-religious, persuasion, at this very special time of the year I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Mercifully, the final days of 2020 — a year we would all like to forget — are drawing to a close. As we will soon flip the calendar to 2021, it is