
Latest Issue

  • Turkey Sightings

    Turkey Sightings0

    Like many folks who like to hunt, I keep a close eye out for wildlife when I’m on the road — especially deer and turkeys. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I were headed into town when we suddenly had to slow down and let two big hens and fourteen poults cross the

  • World Series Bound

    World Series Bound0

    Congratulations to my young friends. They just punched their ticket to the 2022 U13 Babe Ruth World Series. My guys from the West End are now heading to Virginia. We secured a spot after a 4-0 win against Hamilton for North Burlington, NJ, at the Mid-Atlantic Regional in Atlantic City. “It is quite an accomplishment,”

  • More Than a Cornfield

    More Than a Cornfield0

    “Build it, and they will come” is one of the many often-quoted lines from the 1989 movie Field of Dreams. In actuality, the line in the movie was “build it, and he will come,” referencing Shoeless Joe Jackson of the 1919 Chicago White Sox fictional appearance in that Dyersville, Iowa cornfield. Regardless, whether it is

  • Martens May Be Coming Back

    Martens May Be Coming Back0

    After reading the title of my story, some people may be asking, “So who are the Martens”? It’s not who are the Martens but rather what are martens? Martens are actually members of the family Mustelidae which includes other fur-bearing animals like weasels, fishers, wolverines, badgers, skunks, and otters. Most likely, the reason many people

  • A Closer Look at Deer Antlers0

    It’s that time of year again — when hunters begin taking a closer look at those deer gathered in the field along the road. Not only are we checking out what we see as we drive down the road, but you can bet that those trail cameras are getting a good workout too. Hunters are

  • A Hollywood Ending0

    During a recent banking visit, a conversation ensued with a bank employee who I have known for several years. She is professional and congenial and treats her customers as though she was their own personal banker. She always asks about family and how things are going. On this particular day, she inquired about any trips

  • My Boys of Summer0

    Hats off to my friends from the West End. They are playing some impressive ball. I would like to congratulate the 13s and 14s on winning the State Crowns. Both teams are now headed to their Mid-Atlantic regionals. Great stuff, guys. Keep it rolling. West End’s 13-year-old Babe Ruth All-Stars won the Pennsylvania State Championship

  • Four Words0

    “It’s the economy, stupid.” Perhaps no truer words of advice were ever given to a politician than those uttered by political strategist James Carville during Bill Clinton’s 1992 run for the White House. But it really doesn’t matter if those four impactful words were expressed during the 1492 Mayflower voyage or to those that might

  • The Roving Sportsman… What’s Stressing Our Trees?0

    When was the most recent time you took a walk in your woods or a nearby forest or hiked along some of the logging roads in our area, state game lands, or state forests? If it was in the last few months, did you notice anything a bit unusual in the crowns or tops of

  • Badlands, South Dakota

    Badlands, South Dakota0

    Happy Trails, kids. My family and I are currently in South Dakota. We are here for a few more days; then, it is back to Pennsylvania. I have traveled here many times, but I continue to admire and appreciate the beauty. The landscapes are insane. We live in a beautiful country. Badlands is a national

  • Getting in Over Your Head0

    When we hear the phrase “getting in over your head,” we usually think someone has gone too far, and now they must suffer the consequences, but sometimes it pays to get in over your head when it comes to fishing lakes. In other words, it’s time to start targeting the deeper water rather than the

  • The Roving Sportsman… Food Plot Maintenance0

    Any good gardener is well aware that a productive garden takes work. You don’t merely till the ground, stick some seeds in the dirt, and shortly thereafter begin picking fresh vegetables off the vines. If one wants a good harvest, then they must spend the time to eliminate weeds that take needed nutrients and moisture