
Latest Issue

  • District IV Hoops Teams Keep Hopes Alive0

    An admitted ‘basketball junkie,’ a year ago, South Williamsport’s Dean Kriebel’s daily practice plan had one distinct goal; find a way to make it to the next day. The only game he was determined to win was the game of life. In December 2021, Kriebel was diagnosed with cancer, and his total concentration was to

  • The Roving Sportsman… Start Them out Right0

    No one can argue that one of the most important things we can do as responsible gun owners is to properly introduce a new enthusiast to firearm handling and ownership by emphasizing safety and the related responsibilities. Whether you are about to deal with an adult who has never had the opportunity to hunt or

  • Black Bear Hunting – Go Figure0

    Like a lot of hunters in Pennsylvania, I do some bear hunting, but I’m not an overly dedicated bear hunter. I took a 200-pound cinnamon phase of a black bear in Montana years ago but have never killed a Pennsylvania black bear. I’ve seen bears on a few occasions while hunting in Pennsylvania, but good

  • The Roving Sportsman… Bat Facts0

    I recall very well the four homes where I lived with my parents and two siblings as I grew up in Lycoming County from the late 1940s up through the early ’60s. Initially, we stayed in the upstairs level of my Grandparents’ home “up the ‘Sock,” just north on Route 87 beyond Snyder’s farm. Our

  • Do Bears Actually Hibernate?0

    I was talking with some friends the other day, and they mentioned that they might start putting out their birdfeeders a little earlier than usual, especially since the weather has been milder than normal. The thought of putting out bird feeders stuffed with sunflower seeds also brought up another topic — bears and birdfeeders. I

  • Publicly Irritating Athletic Attendees0

    As this is being written, I have no idea which version of the old adage “March comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb” may hold true. Regardless of how the weather may treat us during the month ahead, one thing is for certain; of the many basketball teams and wrestling squads that

  • Hoops Junkie0

    I simply love this time of year. Many of the local teams are getting geared. The playoffs have begun. Everyone has a clean slate. A few will advance. Maybe some will cut the nets. Buckle your seatbelts, sports fans. I have been in the gym an awful lot. Jensen’s squad is holding its own. So

  • HS Hoops Scene0

    The regular season is coming to a close, and many high school hoops teams are now gearing up for playoffs. I am out of the loop in some regards, but I have been able to see a few games. This is a great time of year, folks. It brings back so many great memories. 2022

  • Wanna Bet?0

    Screaming into the TV cameras during the Kansas City Chiefs’ victorious Super Bowl post-game delirium, tight end Travis Kelce declared, “Not one of you said the Chiefs were going to win the Super Bowl. Not a single one. Next time the Chiefs say they are going to do something, give some respect to our name!”

  • Cutters Membership Clubs Return in 2023!0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters have announced that memberships in the popular Boomer’s Kids Club and Sr. Loggers Club are now available for the 2023 season. Membership in Boomer’s Kids Club, for kids ages 12 and under, is FREE and presented by Lycoming Candy. Membership includes: – A free ticket voucher for members to every Sunday Cutters

  • The Roving Sportsman: The North versus the South0

    There are many times that people draw references to the differences between the North and the South. History points out some of the cultural differences and certainly the Civil War brought to head the clash of diverse ideals held by the Confederate soldiers and the Union soldiers, as well as those who supported one side

  • Eagle Watch0

    When my wife and I head off somewhere in a vehicle, I’m usually quick to grab the passenger seat, and for good reason — I like to gaze around, looking for whatever wildlife I can spot as we head down the road. I’m always looking for turkeys, deer and other wildlife, including winged critters flying