
Latest Issue

  • A Mazzante Conversation0

    Whenever the accomplishments of local basketball talent are discussed, Kelly Mazzante’s name is at the forefront of the conversation. Such was again the case with the recent announcement that Mazzante had left Bucknell University to accept an assistant coaching position at Georgetown University. The former Montoursville High School and Penn State University standout enjoyed a

  • The Chain Pickerel0

    For many years one of my favorite fishing forays was to head off to the Saint Lawrence River with some friends to fish for northern pike. We would fish from the break of day until sunset, and our goal was to see how many pike we could catch and release over three or four days

  • The Roving Sportsman… Hats Off to All Hunters and Shooters!0

    Hunters are the “salt of the earth.” Yes, without a doubt, there are a few exceptions — you know — the ones who usually make the news, like the occasional slob hunter or poacher. They are the ones who seem to be talked about most often, especially by those who hold some degree of opposition

  • Good Will Golfing0

    I first met William on the practice green at White Deer Golf Course. I just closed up, and I was stroking some putts. I couldn’t buy a five-footer, and I was struggling. All of a sudden, a nine-year-old kid appeared from the shadows. HEY MISTER. YOU SHOULD TRY MOVING YOUR EYES OVER THE BALL. YOUR

  • The Roving Sportsman… Make Plans for Fall Hunting0

    I believe most folks would agree that the days seem to go by more quickly with the passage of time. Often, before we realize it, days seem to slip by, weeks click away more rapidly, and months seem to fly off the calendar. Where does the time go? So before hunting season seems to slip

  • May – A Good Time to Hit the Trout Streams0

    Well, trout season is well underway, and hopefully, some of those crowded conditions that occur in those opening days are pretty well past. Certainly, those first few weeks in April can be very productive, but so can the weeks that follow, especially through the month of May. Now, I realize that there are many methods

  • A Southside Sandwich0

    Whether it be sourdough, rye, whole wheat, ciabatta, or just plain white — it’s the bread that makes the sandwich great. Those tasty ingredients packed between those two slices just wouldn’t be the same without the stabilizing influence holding things in place. As South Williamsport softball coach Tom O’Malley went about the task of putting

  • An Ode to Gordon0

    Legendary Canadian folk artist Gordon Lightfoot died last Monday. He was 84. I would say that he was one of my favs. Gordon and I were well acquainted. I listened to ALL of his songs. I saw my idol in three concerts. Lightfoot even came to Williamsport. Yes. The news hit me hard. The tributes

  • How About Some Smiles0

    That old adage about April showers bringing May flowers got a bit carried away with itself as the last weekend of the previous month left us all a bit waterlogged. Hopefully, on the flower side of it, they will be in abundance to celebrate this weekend’s Mother’s Day activities. From this little corner of the

  • Leadership Litmus Test0

    Regardless of what occupation you may hold, what political persuasion you have, the size of your bank account, or your concern over social issues, it is becoming increasingly clear that most of us have one thing in common; a strong desire to clear the air of the divisiveness, rancor, mistrust, and wasted anger that has

  • The Roving Sportsman… Still Chasing Longbeards?0

    As I write this, the 2023 Spring Gobbler season is less than a week old, and, as usual, a variety of reports have been coming in – everything from “I haven’t seen or heard a gobbler yet,” to hunters who have been working gobblers every morning they have been out. One hunter reported calling in

  • The Wacky Worm

    The Wacky Worm0

    So, what’s a wacky worm? Well, it’s a soft rubber or plastic worm made, for the most part, for bass fishing. Artificial worms have been around for a long time, but fishermen are constantly coming up with new ways of rigging plastic worms and other soft plastics, and the wacky worm is a good example.